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The Final Fantasy 14 Mobile gameplay looks better than you might think

An FF14 Mobile gameplay trailer recently hit the internet, and we’re both shocked and totally unsurprised by how awesome it looks.

screenshot of alphinaud in final fantasy xiv holding a piece of food with a look of surprise

We’ve been waiting (maybe a little impatiently) to revisit Eorzea on our handheld devices, and although the China-locked beta is still ongoing, we’re heading back to A Realm Reborn sooner than we thought. We were treated to a little sneak peek at the Final Fantasy 14 Mobile gameplay thanks to a recent video, and it’s only served to make us even more excited, because it actually looks great.

The mobile version of the much-loved MMORPG is sure to find a spot in our list of the best Final Fantasy games and is almost definitely a pick for the best upcoming mobile games. Despite the fact we still don’t have a guaranteed Final Fantasy XIV Mobile release date, the new gameplay footage has only served to make us more excited to return to the game on mobile.

The video showed exactly what we’ve come to expect with Final Fantasy visuals, with some pretty impressive graphics and beautiful scenery, and the UI itself is, much to our surprise, pretty nice to look at. The screen isn’t too cluttered, which can sometimes be a pitfall in mobile gaming, but it looks to be fairly streamlined which means we’ll be able to enjoy the beauty of the game without too much going on to distract us.

Mobile ports tend to strip back on gameplay elements, but the Final Fantasy 14 Mobile video is a tentative promise that Square Enix has kept it close to the original game. It looks as though it’ll stay true to the PC version, which is also a pleasant surprise but not an unwelcome one. It will likely be dependent on the strength of your mobile device, but it’s definitely promising. In the Final Fantasy XIV Mobile trailer, producer and director of the original game, Naoki Yoshida, promised that the mobile port aimed to “recreate the grandeur of the original’s story and combat mechanics”.

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Judging from the clip, it’s nailing that claim already. The soundtrack is just as pleasant as other Final Fantasy games – and we expected nothing less in that department – and the visuals are just as gorgeous. We can’t wait to explore Eorzea again all from the palm of our hands, because although we’re suckers for a nostalgia hit, the updated mobile version looks as though it’ll bring us an even better version of the original we know and love.

If you’re looking for even more great mobile games, we’ve got lists of the best mobile MMORPGs and the best mobile adventure games. If you’re looking for some freebies, we also have the new Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade codes and Genshin Impact codes for some goodies from the best gacha games.