Genshin Impact version 1.3 is out now! The ‘All That Glitters’ update brings with it a new five-star, polearm-wielding, anemo character named Xiao, some quality-of-life improvements, controller support on iOS, and much more.
To take advantage of the new controller support, you’ll need a device capable of running iOS 14 (and have it installed), as well as a compatible controller. According to a recent developer discussion, these include the Xbox and PS4 controllers, as well as partial support for a few MFi options.
While version 1.3 could simply include those features and we’d be stoked, it actually boasts a whole lot more. A new tower defence mini-game called ‘Theater Mechanicus’ is one of the most unique offerings to come to Genshin Impact 1.3, tasking you with placing towers on a grid to battle against enemies in a strategic way. Some fresh events are also on the way such as a Lantern Festival in Liyue and a special Xiao market.
Rather than list out each individual change and explanation, we’d recommend watching the Genshin Impact 1.3 special program down below, which includes a deep-dive into all of the new features.

Oh, and if you’re new to the awesome mobile RPG, we’ve got plenty of content to help you get started. Take a look at our Genshin Impact Keqing and Genshin Impact Zhongli guides if you need some help mastering the characters, then head over to our Genshin Impact codes list for some free primogems.
Of course, if you’re undecided on whether you actually want to play it, our Genshin Impact review is the place to go.