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March 7th • The Hunt build | Honkai Star Rail

Honkai Star Rail's March 7th • The Hunt is an impressive new version of our peppy pal, so let's take a look at her best build, relics, and more.

HSR March 7th - the Hunt holding out a sword in a battle position as she frowns in concentration

After some training on board the Xianzhou Luofu, Honkai Star Rail’s March 7th • The Hunt has joined our team as a whole new girl. Taking up the sword, this four-star, imaginary damage-dealing version of our peppy pal can certainly pack a punch, so let’s dive into our best Swordmaster March 7th build, including her top light cones, relics, and more.

While you’re here, be sure to snap up all the latest Honkai Star Rail codes in preparation for the next Honkai Star Rail banner. We’ve also got a guide to all the current and upcoming Honkai Star Rail events, plus a super handy Honkai Star Rail tier list so you can make sure you’re picking the best teams.

Here’s everything in our best HSR March 7th • The Hunt build.

What’s the best March 7th • The Hunt build?

March 7th • The Hunt is a four-star Hunt character who deals imaginary damage. She’s a surprisingly powerful and versatile support sub-DPS hybrid, and synergizes really well with some of the strongest DPS in the game, making her very flexible in terms of team comps.

Here’s a brief overview of our best HSR March 7th • The Hunt build: 

Best light cone In the Night
Light cone substitutes
  • Baptism of Pure Thought
  • Swordplay
  • Cruising in the Stellar Sea
Best relic set Musketeer of Wild Wheat
Best planar ornament set Rutilant Arena
Main stats Body: crit rate/damage
Feet: speed/attack%
Planar sphere: imaginary damage/attack%
Link rope: attack%
Sub-stats Speed > crit rate/damage > attack%

March 7th • The Hunt’s best light cone is the five-star In the Night, and her best relic set is four pieces of Musketeer of Wild Wheat combined with the Rutilant Arena planar ornaments.

When building March 7th • The Hunt, we recommend focusing on both speed until you hit break point (at least 123), as well as crit rate and damage. Aside from that, she benefits from attack% and, if possible, an imaginary damage main stat sphere to boost her overall damage output.

When leveling up March 7th • The Hunt’s skills, we recommend prioritizing her her basic attack first, followed by her skill and talent, then her ultimate. In terms of major traces, you should level up Swan Soar (A2) first, followed by Tide Tamer (A6), then Filigree (A4).

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How to use March 7th • The Hunt

Naturally, March 7th • The Hunt treads the path of The Hunt, but is a surprisingly powerful and versatile support slash sub-DPS. As such, she’s quite flexible, and is capable of providing back-up for some of the best main DPS characters in the game.

She deals a significant amount of single-target damage, and can reduce the toughness of any enemies that aren’t resistant to imaginary damage. Therefore, she has great potential as either a crit carry or breaker, making her a great option for a variety of different teams.

Her skill allows her to target a single ally and boost their speed. At the same time, she gains her own basic attack buff based on the path of the character she targeted. If she targets a character that follows the path of the Erudition, Destruction, or The Hunt, her enhanced basic attack deals additional damage, and if she targets someone who follows the path of the Harmony, Nihility, Preservation, or Abundance, her enhanced basic attack deals more toughness damage. The speed buff she provides lasts until she recasts her skill.

March 7th’s enhanced basic attack is the bread and butter of her kit. It initially unleashes three hits, each dealing up to 80% of her attack to a single enemy, then, after the final hit, there’s a 60% chance to trigger up to three additional hits. The only downside of this enhanced basic attack is that it doesn’t recover skill points or extra energy with the additional hits. However, it does restore 30 energy per use.

Her ultimate costs on 110 energy, meaning you can use it quite frequently in most fights. It deals up to 240% of her attack to a single enemy, while also increasing the initial number of her enhanced basic attack hits by two. It also increases the fixed chance of getting extra hits by 20% (so a total of 80%).

This all combines to make a genuinely powerful four-star sub-DPS with buffing capabilities. She can be a little tricky to use, but once you get your head around her skill and enhanced basic attack system, she’s incredibly worthwhile. Essentially, if you want to use her to break enemies quickly, aim to use her skill on Harmony, Nihility, Preservation, or Abundance characters. If you want to increase her personal damage and use her as a crit carry, use her skill on Erudition, Destruction, or Hunt characters. Aside from that, you should aim to use her ultimate frequently, then use her enhanced basic attack to reap the benefits.

What are the best March 7th • The Hunt light cones?

The best light cone for March 7th • The Hunt is In the Night. It’s the most consistent option, and is often the best for her personal damage, offering a great boost to both her speed and crit. Additionally, as she prefers a speed-focused relic set and gains additional speed from her first eidolon, it should be relatively easy to satisfy the speed requirement with only a few speed sub-stats or buffs from allies.

Baptism of Pure Thought is also a great light cone forMarch 7th • The Hunt in teams that apply debuffs to enemies. If you can manage to maintain two to three debuffs with relative consistency, its crit damage boost is very potent, increasing her personal damage dramatically. However, we don’t recommend using this light cone if there are no debuffers on her team.

Swordplay at S5 is a relatively strong four-star light cone for March 7th • The Hunt, but it does have a caveat. It requires both March and the character she buffs to attack the same target in order to maintain stacks. This is due to her follow-up attack – if the character she buffs attacks a different enemy, it will trigger her to attack that enemy with her follow-up attack, dropping all the stacks in the process. Therefore it requires a bit more mindfulness in battle, which can be a bit of a hassle – especially if you’re facing enemies capable of taunting.

Cruising in the Stellar Sea is a good free-to-play light cone for March 7th • The Hunt, and is readily available in Herta’s Store. It offers competitive damage bonuses through its crit rate boost, while also boosting her attack when she defeats an enemy. These buffs can be a bit of a pain as they’re conditional in nature, but if you play carefully and keep the buffs active as much as possible, it really pays off.

In the Night Increases March 7th’s crit rate. While she’s in battle, for every ten speed that exceeds 100, her basic attack and skill damage increases, and her ultimate crit damage increases. This effect can stack up to six times Limited banner
Baptism of Pure Thought Increases March 7th’s crit damage. For every debuff on the enemy target, March’s crit damage dealt against this target increases, stacking up to three times. When using her ultimate to attack the enemy target, March receives the Disputation effect, which increases her damage dealt and allows her follow-up attack to ignore a portion of the target’s defense. This effect lasts for two turns Limited banner
Swordplay For each time March 7th hits the same target, her damage dealt increases, stacking up to five times. This effect dispels if she changes targets Limited or standard banner
Cruising in the Stellar Sea Increases March 7th’s crit rate. Her crit rate increases further when fighting enemies with HP less than or equal to 50%. When March defeats an enemy, her attack increases for two turns Herta’s Store

What are the best relics for March 7th • The Hunt?

The best relic set for March 7th • The Hunt is four pieces of Musketeer of Wild Wheat. It’s the most consistent option, offering a healthy boost to her damage and her all-important basic attacks.

Alternatively, Wastelander of Banditry Desert is a good relic set for March 7th • The Hunt, but it’s conditional. It relies on keeping the target of March’s attacks imprisoned, but is very competitive if you can maintain that through a teammate.

You can also combine two pieces of Musketeer of Wild Wheat with two pieces of Wastelander of Banditry Desert if you don’t have good enough stats to go for a full set. It’s doesn’t quite compete with the full set bonuses, but is a good choice to tide you over until you get a better full set.

The best planar ornament set for March 7th • The Hunt is Rutilant Arena. It provides a reliable boost to her crit rate and basic attack damage.

Alternatively, if she’s fighting alongside another Hunt character, Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm is a solid option for March 7th • The Hunt. It offers more crit rate than Rutilent Arena, making it pretty useful if you’re lacking that stat, but it does restrict her team comps.

Musketeer of Wild Wheat Two equipped: increases attack by 12%
Four equipped: increases March’s speed by 6% and her basic attack damage by 10%
Wastelander of Banditry Desert Two equipped: increases imaginary damage by 10%
Four equipped: when attacking debuffed enemies, March 7th’s crit rate increases by 10% and her crit damage increases by 20% against imprisoned enemies

Planar ornaments

Rutilant Arena Two equipped: increases March 7th’s crit rate by 8%. When her crit rate reaches 70% or higher, her basic attack and skill damage increases by 20%
Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm Two equipped: increases March 7th’s attack vy 12%. When entering battle, if at least one other ally follows the same path as her, her crit rate increases by 12%

Relic stat recommendations

When choosing relics for March 7th • The Hunt, we recommend prioritizing the following stats.

Main stats: 

  • Body: crit rate/damage
  • Feet: speed/attack%
  • Planar sphere: imaginary damage/attack%
  • Link rope: attack%


  • Speed (until break point of 123 or higher)
  • Crit rate/damage
  • Attack%

Honkai Star Rail March 7th - The Hunt smiling with her finger raised

What are March 7th • The Hunt’s skills?

Here are all of March 7th • The Hunt’s attacks and skills at level one. Keep in mind that the multipliers for each of these skills increase as you level them up.

Active skills:

Basic attack My Sword Zaps Demons
Deal imaginary damage equal to 50% of March 7th’s attack to a single enemy and gain one point of charge
Enhanced basic attack Brows Be Smitten, Heart Be Bitten
Initially deals three hits, with each causing imaginary damage equal to 40% of March 7th’s attack to a single target enemy. After dealing the final hit, there’s a 60% fixed chance to deal one extra hit, up to a maximum of three extra hits. Energy regenerated from using this skill does not increase with the number of hits
Skill Master, It’s Tea Time!
Designates a single ally (excluding herself) as Shifu and increases their speed by 6%. Only the most recent target of March 7th’s skill is considered as Shifu.
When March uses her basic attack or deals one hit of enhanced basic attack’s damage, she triggers the corresponding effect based on the specific path of Shifu:
Erudition, Destruction, The Hunt: deals additional damage equal to 10% of March 7th’s attack (damage type based on Shifu’s combat type)
Harmony, Nihility, Preservation, Abundance: increases the toughness reduction of this instance of damage by 100%
Ultimate March 7th, the Apex Heroine
Deals imaginary damage equal to 144% of March 7th’s attack to a single target enemy. Increases the initial hits per action of the next enhanced basic attack by two and increases the fixed chance of dealing additional hits by 20%

Technique and talent:

Talent Master, I’ve Ascended!
After Shifu uses an attack or ultimate, March 7th gains up to one point of charge each time. Upon reaching seven or more points of charge, she immediately takes action and increases the damage she deals by 40%. Her basic attack gets enhanced, and her skill can’t be used. After using her enhanced basic attack, she consumes seven points of charge. Charge is capped at ten points
Technique Feast in One Go
If March 7th is on the team, she gains one point of charge at the start of the next battle whenever an ally uses their technique, up to a max of three points. After using her technique, March 7th regenerates 30 energy when the next battle starts

Major traces:

A1 Swan Soar
When the battle starts, March 7th • The Hunt’s action advances forward by 25%
A2 Filigree
March 7th can reduce the toughness of enemies whose weakness type is same as Shifu’s combat type. When breaking weakness, this triggers the imaginary weakness break effect
A3 Tide Tamer
After using her enhanced basic attack, Shifu’s crit damage increases by 60% and their break effect increases by 36%, lasting for two turns

What are March 7th • The Hunt’s eidolons?

When you pull more than one copy of a character, you can unlock one of their eidolons. Here are all six of March 7th • The Hunt’s eidolons and their effects.

E1 My Sword Stirs Starlight
When Shifu is on the field, March 7th’s speed increases by 10%
E2 Blade Dances on Waves’ Fight
After Shifu uses their basic attack or skill to attack an enemy target, March 7th immediately launches a follow-up attack and deals imaginary damage equal to 60% of her attack to the target enemy. Additionally, triggers the corresponding effect based on Shifu’s path, and March gains one point of charge. If there’s no primary target available to attack, she targets a single random enemy instead. This effect can only trigger once per turn
E3 Sharp Wit in Martial Might
Increases the level of March’s skill by two, up to a maximum of level 15, and her basic attack by one, up to a maximum of level ten
E4 Being Fabulous Never Frights
At the start of the turn, March regenerates five energy
E5 Sword Delights, Sugar Blights
Increases the level of March’s ultimate and talent by two, up to a maximum of level 15
E6 Me, the Best Girl in Sight
After using her ultimate, increases the crit damage dealt by March’s next enhanced basic attack by 50%

What are March 7th • The Hunt’s ascension materials?

You can use character EXP materials to get March 7th • The Hunt up to a max of level 80, but you need to ascend her using a specific set of materials at certain intervals.

Here are all of March 7th • The Hunt’s ascension materials:

  • 3.2k credits
  • Four thief’s instinct
  • 6.4k credits
  • Eight thief’s instinct
  • 12.8k
  • Five usurper’s scheme
  • Two horn of snow
  • 32k credits
  • Eight usurper’s scheme
  • Five horn of snow
  • 64k credits
  • Five conqueror’s will
  • 15 horn of snow
  • 128k credits
  • Seven conqueror’s will
  • 28 horn of snow

Here’s where to get all of March 7th • The Hunt’s ascension materials:

  • Thief’s instinct/usurper’s scheme/conqueror’s will – drops from voidranger enemies in the Herta Space Station or the Honkai Star Rail simulated universe, assignment rewards, the embers exchange store, Jarilo-VI golden calyxes, or the Herta Space Station world shop
  • Horn of snow – drops from the Frigid Prowler boss in the Robot Settlement: Stagnant Shadow on Jarilo-VI

Honkai Star Rail March 7th - The Hunt standing with one leg raised and bother her arms out in front of a beautiful pond

What are March 7th • The Hunt’s trace materials?

You can further improve March 7th • The Hunt’s skills and unlock special passive bonuses by leveling up her traces, but you need a variety of materials to do so.

Here are all of March 7th • The Hunt’s trace materials:

  • 12 meteoric bullet, 54 destined expiration, and 105 countertemporal shots
    • Obtain from the crimson calyx in Penacony’s SoulGlad™ Scorchsand Audition Venue or purchase from the embers exchange store
  • 28 thief’s instinct, 42 usurper’s scheme, and 42 conqueror’s will
    • Obtain from voidranger enemies in the Herta Space Station or the simulated universe, assignment rewards, the embers exchange store, Jarilo-VI golden calyxes, or the Herta Space Station world shop
  • 12 destroyer’s final road
    • Obtain from the Doomsday Beast boss in Supply Zone: Echo of War, located in Herta Space Station
  • Five tracks of destiny
  • 2.4 million credits

That’s everything in our Honkai Star Rail March 7th • The Hunt build. If you’ve had enough star trotting but still want some adventure, be sure to check out our Genshin Impact codes and Zenless Zone Zero codes then head over to our Genshin Impact tier list and Zenless Zone Zero tier list to get up to speed on a different type of action.