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Honkai Star Rail Moze build

Here's how to build Honkai Star Rail Moze into a great sub-DPS for teams with the best light cones, relic sets, and his talent priority.

Honkai Star Rail Moze's splash art on a dark purple background

What do we know about the mysterious, rarely-seen Honkai Star Rail Moze? He’s from the Yaoqing, another part of the Xianzhou alliance, and made his debut in the version 2.4 story alongside a swathe of new characters. Here’s what you need to know about the kit, role, and talents of this four-star, lightning-using character.

While you’re here, grab the new Honkai Star Rail codes from the latest Honkai Star Rail update, then find our Honkai Star Rail tier list here to see who you should pull on the upcoming Honkai Star Rail banner.

Here’s everything we know about Honkai Star Rail’s Moze: 

What is the best Honkai Star Rail Moze build?

Moze is a follower of the Hunt path and is a lightning-using four-star character.

Best light cone Worrisome, Blissful
Light cone substitutes Final Victor and Swordplay
Best relic set Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters
Planar ornaments Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves
Main stats Body – crit rate/damge
Feet – attack
Link rope – lightning damage boost
Planar sphere – attack
Sub stats Crit rate, crit damage, attack

Moze works best as a duo DPS or sub-DPS in a follow-up team. As for his build, we recommend a strong Hunt-aligned light cone with a full set of either Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters or Ashblazing Grand Duke relics.

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What are the best light cones for Moze?

Moze doesn’t have a signature light cone – even a four-star option – so we recommend Topaz’s signature Worrisome, Blissful for him. You can also use Swordplay or Final Victor, which are available on all banners.

Worrisome, Blissful Increases Moze’s crit rate and his follow-up attack damage. When he uses a follow-up attack, he applies Tame to targets, which can stack two times. When allies hit targets marked with Tame, each stack increases his crit rate Light cone banner
Swordplay Every time Moze hits the same target, his damage increases. This can stack five times. The effect spells if he changes targets All banners
Final Victor Increases Moze’s attack. When he lands a crit hit on enemies, they gain a stack of Good Fortune. This can stack four times. Each stack increases his crit damage. Good Fortune removes at the end of his turn All banners
Cruising in the Stellar Sea Increases Moze’s crit rate by 8-16%, and increases his crit rate against enemies with HP less than 50% by an extra 8-16%. When he defeats an enemy, his attack increases by 20-40% for two turns Herta Store

What are the best relics for Moze?

The best full set of relics to give Moze is the Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters, or, the Ashblazing Grand Duke. It mostly depends on his teammates. If you have characters able to debuff enemies, we recommend the first – if not, we recommend the second to improve the damage of his follow-up attack.


Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters Two pieces: Increases Moze’s damage to enemies with a debuff by 12%
Four pieces:
Increases Moze’s crit rate by 4%. He then deals 8/12% increased crit damage to enemies with two/three debuffs
Cavern of Corrosion: Path of Dreamdive in the Reverie Dreamscape on Penacony
Ashblazing Grand Duke Two pieces: Increases follow-up attack damage by 20%
Four pieces:
When Moze uses a follow-up attack, his attack stat increases every time it deals damage. This can stack up to eight times in three turns. The effect removes next time he uses a follow-up
Cavern of Corrosion: Path of Darkness in Fyxestroll Garden

Planar ornaments

Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves Two equipped: When an ally uses a follow-up attack, Moze gains one stack of Merit. He can hold five stacks. Each stack increases the damage dealt by his follow-up attack by 5%. When he has five stacks, his crit damage increases by 25%   Reward in the Divergent Universe
Inert Salsotto Two equipped: Increases Moze’s crit rate by 8%. When his current crit rate reaches 50% or higher, his ultimate and follow-up attack damage increases by 15%  Immersion Reward devices in World 6 of the Simulated Universe
Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm Two equipped: Increases Feixiao’s attack. When entering battle, if another character is on the Hunt path, her crit rate increases by 12%  Immersion Reward devices in World 9 of the Simulated Universe

Stat recommendations

Main stats:

  • Body: Crit rate/damage
  • Feet: Attack
  • Planar sphere: Lightning damage boost
  • Link rope: Attack


  • Crit rate
  • Crit damage
  • Speed
  • Attack

What are the best Moze team comps?

Moze fits really well in a team with Feixiao, the five-star DPS whose banner he debuted on. A follow-up-centered team is really where he shines, so using him alongside Robin, Aventurine, and Topaz can make excellent use of his kit.






Dr. Ratio




Dr. Ratio
Honkai Star Rail Tingyun icon




March 7th imaginary
March 7 (The Hunt)

What are Moze’s skills?

Here’s what Moze can do as part of your team:

Active skills

Basic attack Moze deals lightning damage to a single target
Moze marks a single target as Prey and deals lightning damage to it. He also gains nine points of Charge. When there are no other characters on the field capable of combat, Moze cannot use this skill and dispels the Prey state
Ultimate Moze deals heavy lightning damage to a single target and launches his talent’s follow-up attack. If the target gets defeated before his follow-up hits, he uses it against a random enemy instead


Cascading Featherblade When Prey exists on the field, Moze enters the Departed state. After allies attack the Prey, Moze deals one instance of lightning damage and consumes one point of Charge. For every three points of Charge he consumes, he launches one follow-up attack on the Prey. When Charge reaches zero, the Prey state resets the tally


Bated Wings When using his technique, Moze enters the Stealth state for 20 seconds. While in Stealth, he is undetectable by enemies. If he attacks enemies to enter combat, his damage increases 30% for two turns


Vengewise When dealing damage with his ultimate, it is considered as follow-up damage. The follow-up attack damage taken by Prey increases by 25%
Daggerhold When Moze dispels his Departed state, his action advances by 20%. At the start of each wave, his action advances 30%
Nightfeather After using his talent’s follow-up attack, Moze recovers one skill point. This can trigger every other turn

What are Moze’s eidolons?

If you get more than one Moze on the banner (lucky you, I only got one), you can unlock some really helpful boosts with his eidolons.

EQ After entering battle, Moze regenerates 20 energy. Each time the additional damage from his talent triggers, he gains two energy
E2 When all allies deal damage to enemy targets marked as Prey, crit damage increases 40%
E3 This eidolon increases the level of Moze’s ultimate by two, up to a maximum of 15. It also increases the level of his talent by two, up to a level of 15
E4 When using his ultimate, the damage dealt by Moze increases 30% for two turns
E5 This eidolon increases the level of Moze’s skill by two, up to a maximum of 15. It also increases the level of his basic attack by one, up to a level of ten
E6 Increases the damage multiplier of his talent’s follow-up by 25%

Honkai Star Rail Moze in game during a cutscene on the Xianzhou Luofu

What are Moze’s ascension materials?

Here are the materials you need to ascend Moze:

Required level Credits Materials
20 4,000 Four artifex’s module
30 8,000 Eight artifex’s module
40 16,000 Two nails of the beast coffin, five artifex’s cogwheel
50 40,000 Five nails of the beast coffin, eight artifex’s cogwheel
60 80,000  15 nails of the beast coffin, five artifex’s gyreheart
70 160,000 28 nails of the beast coffin, seven artifex’s gyreheart

What are Moze’s trace materials?

To level up Moze’s traces – which we highly recommend doing – you need the following items. Remember that he’s a four-star, so needs less than any five-star counterpart.

  • 28 artifex’s modules, 42 artifex’s cogwheels, and 42 artifex’s gyrehearts
    • Obtain from entranced enemies on the Xianzhou Luofu, the Simulated Universe, purchase from the Embers Exchange store, and the synthesizer
  • 12 meteoric bullets, 54 destined expirations, and 105 countertemporal shots
    • Obtain from the Bud of the Hunt calyx in Penacony, or purchase from the Embers Exchange store
  • 12 auspice sliver
    • Obtain from the shadow of Feixiao boss fight on the Xianzhou Luofu
  • 5 tracks of destiny
    • Obtain from events, as rewards in the Simulated Universe, from the Embers exchange, and Nameless Honor (battlepass) rewards
  • 2,400,000 credits

Skill trace priority:

  • Talent > ultimate > skill > basic attack

Who is Moze?

Moze, the man of mystery, hails from the Xianzhou Yaoqing and is a Shadow Guard. He’s known to be an expert in intelligence services and is very quiet while acting alone to get the job done as obscurely as possible. It’s thought that he’s an assassin and that most don’t see him until it’s too late. He’s also obsessed with cleanliness, so at least he won’t make a mess.

Moze looks to appear alongside Honkai Star Rail’s Yunli, Honkai Star Rail’s Yanqing, and Honkai Star Rail’s Jiaoqiu in the War Dance update, taking place on the Xianzhou Luofu. Don’t forget to take part in these Honkai Star Rail events for even more astrite.