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Pokémon TCG Pocket issues warning to cheaters, so just get good

We all want the slickest cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket, but rampant cheaters and sellers are prompting action from The Pokémon Company.

Pokemon TCG Pocket cheats: An image of Cameron from Pokemon giving a thumbs down gesture.

Listen, you want that Pikachu ex or Venusaur ex card, we do, too. But cheating in Pokémon TCG Pocket just ain’t it. As players try to enhance their decks with the game’s more appealing cards, scams, cheating, and other nefarious wrongdoing is unfolding rapidly. To combat this behavior, The Pokémon Company is clamping down on players exploiting the game with immediate effect.

As spotted by Eurogamer, players engaging in various ill-advised activities will be met with the ban hammer within Pokémon TCG Pocket. In a new message sent out to all trainers booting up the free mobile game, The Pokémon Company says “We are aware that some players have engaged in data tampering, real money trading, and other behaviors that violate the Terms of Use. If we confirm that a player has engaged in behavior that violates the Terms of Use, we will warn them, suspend their account.”

Basically, we don’t want to have to say it, but maybe you just need to get good. Look, we know that building up the best Pokémon TCG Pocket decks is part luck, part skill. But is it worth further repercussions? That’s what is on the table as the warning adds that The Pokémon Company will “take other action” depending on the severity of the inappropriate conduct recorded in-game.

At the time of publication, we’re yet to have confirmation on just how many players have faced action for breaking the game’s terms of service.

Pokémon TCG Pocket cheats: An image of the Pokémon TCG Pocket terms of service.

In our own experience with one of the best Pokémon games around, cheats in Pokémon TCG Pocket aren’t as lucrative as social media may dress them up to be. Even if you’re a newbie to the game, rumors of free gold and gaming the system to get better cards are just hearsay. In her investigation, our own Holly says that “it appears people mod their games – which we don’t recommend to avoid a ban – or use third-party apps to earn the currency. We also don’t recommend this for security reasons. You can’t, unfortunately, just get free gold in the game.”

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What you can do, though, is buff your knowledge for a stronger chance of defeating your opponents. Put our Pokémon TCG Pocket tier list to good use, and you’ll be reaping the rewards soon enough.

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