Everyone jumped on the battle royale hype if they could, and who can blame them? The biggest games in the world were battle royales, and probably still are, so it’s no surprise that Square Enix made its own attempt with Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier. Sadly, that attempt is coming to an end on January 11, 2023.
Considering Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier’s end of service comes a little over a year after its release – the announcement comes only 11 months after – any fans of the battle royale may be feeling a little hard done by, but it’s clear the game didn’t meet the expectations set by Square Enix.
We spent our time with the game, exploring classes and materia for guide purposes, so share in the grief that any fans may feel. Either way, there are countless other battle royales out there, and maybe it’s best that Square Enix focuses on the full-fat FF that we all know and love.
When is Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier’s end of service?
Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier’s end of service will be on January 11, 2023, and you can read a full statement from Square Enix regarding the situation. My birthday is on January 12, so I will be spending it mourning the slightly ropey FF battle royale (sad smiley face).

For something to distract from Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier’s end of service, check out our guide to the best Final Fantasy games – and no, FF7FS isn’t on there, sadly.