Infinite Lagrange region occupation is considered a crowning jewel among the community. With a strong focus on union involvement, you can unite with other players and fight enemies as you pursue the goal of dominating a region and building your own territory. With heaps of resources and bonus effects from special buildings, the art of region occupation is as lucrative as it is dangerous, making for an overall thrilling, high risk-reward experience.
Region occupation offers a great source of resources, but is not without its dangers. A clear mindset and ensuring logistic support is integral as you head out to occupy other regions, and the best way to get the support you need is to join a union.
As an MMO, Infinite Lagrange encourages communication with other players and the formation of alliances known as unions. You can only join a union in the same star system and on the same server as you, and some have specific requirements to join, which may limit your options. Of course, if you’re lacking in union choices, you can always start your own!
Unions can have a maximum of 100 players, and you can dish out different responsibilities to members based on their rank. Being a part of a union allows friendly fleets to garrison your base, and gives you the option to call for back-up, which is much needed when endeavouring to occupy new territories.

As region occupation will inevitably cause friction between you and other unions, calling on your pals to improve the strength of your fleet is a useful asset. Of course, when you occupy your new territory, you will need to show appreciation to your allies. Allocating resources to reward other players on their contributions is a must, and will ensure you maintain a strong relationship with your union. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed, and the point of a union is to offer support – this will make your adventure across the galaxy much sweeter.
If you want to find out more about region occupation (and loads of other resource-related tips), you should check out our Infinite Lagrange resource gathering guide. We also have a super handy Infinite Lagrange base upgrade guide to help you on your way. You can put all these tactics to use by downloading Infinite Lagrange from your mobile store of choice today.