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Enthusiastic Snapper hits highest Marvel Snap collection level

In a ‘world first’, an enthusiastic Marvel Snap has reached the end of the collection level rewards track and is wondering when he can expect more level-up loot

Marvel Snap collection level: A close-up of the card art for Dazzler, featuring a blonde woman in a blue superhero costume smiling, with a disco ball to her right.

An enthusiastic collector has maxed out the Marvel Snap collection level track in what Second Dinner devs are calling a ‘world first’. The player in question is called Aaron, and Twitter account @SnapDecks spotted his post in the official Marvel Snap Discord server and shared it online. 

Aaron’s post contains a screenshot of his collection level track, which has capped at level 22,366. He explained that the collection level itself can go higher, but he can’t unlock any more rewards for progressing. Aaron made the post to ask Second Dinner if the rewards track would be extended in the near future.

Second Dinner dev Stephen Jarrett responded to Aaron’s Discord message, commending his achievement, and saying, “Think we can call it a ‘World First’. We will extend it in a future update.” The collection level rewards track is a way for you to unlock currencies, cards, variants, and more to add to your Marvel Snap collection, and it was previously believed to have no level cap.

Marvel Snap collection level: A screenshot of a Discord exchange between a user named Aaron and a user named Stephen. Aaron's message reads: The rewards track currently ends at CL 22,366, and no rewards can be obtained beyond this level, even though the CL can still increase. Is the CL reward track cap going to be increased any time soon? Stephen’s message reads: Thanks for sharing! Impressive achievement. Think we can call it a “world first”. We will extend it in a future update.

Further replies to SnapDecks’ tweet have continued the conversation around Marvel Snap’s controversial monetisation and the increasing difficulty of unlocking series five cards without spending money. Twitter user @MattBarnette commented that he “would end up hitting that level and still not getting Galactus somehow.”


SnapDecks replied by confirming that Aaron did in fact reach his current collection level without unlocking the Galactus card through rewards drops, but he “did get more than enough tokens to buy every card so he does have Galactus”.

That’s everything we know so far about the Marvel Snap collection level track. If you’re after more marvellous content, check out our feature on Marvel Snap prices.