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Mobile engagement hours are up as in-game spending stabilises in Q1

New data for Q1 2023 tells us that mobile engagement hours are up, in-game spending is getting back to normal, and Roblox is still incredibly popular.

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We’re starting to get the first sets of data relating to mobile gaming in Q1 of 2023, and it looks like some of the worrying statistics surrounding mobile games from last year might not have carried over. According to information from data.ai, mobile engagement hours are up, in-game spending is stabilising, and plenty of new games are breaking through across markets around the world.

While it’s only a small increase, mobile engagement hours across the top ten markets are up from 5.4 hours daily to 5.5. This isn’t all down to mobile gaming, of course, with the data taking other apps into consideration as well, but it does mean that both game and app developers can be confident that there’s an audience for their creations, be it gacha games or dating apps.

The money is still coming in, too. Consumer spending is still above pre-pandemic levels, with a 26% increase from this time three years ago. iOS remains the stronger platform for sales, with data.ai’s Q1 report putting iOS sales at just under 22 billion dollars, while Android accounts for just over 12 billion. The reverse is true of downloads, though, with non-Western markets helping Android to push 29 billion downloads, a staggering number compared to iOS’ nine billion.

The big story in the West is the surprise success of Crunchyroll Games’ Street Fighter: Duel, with the mobile debut for the series taking the top spot as the number one breakout game of Q1 in the U.S.A and Great Britain. Unsurprisingly, the data names Roblox as the title with the most monthly active users worldwide, with no change from the year prior. The surprise return of the year is Gardenscapes, which after a tricky couple of years is back in ninth place for consumer spend and worldwide downloads. Maybe weird mobile game ads help after all.

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With that, you’re up to date on the mobile trends of Q1 2023, including the news that mobile engagement is up on last year’s numbers. If you’re looking for something engaging yourself, check out our picks for the best free mobile games.