The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is set to bring us all back to the wonderful concoction of Hyrule that Nintendo created with Breath of the Wild. While its predecessor is considered a high point in open-world design in recent years, there are still many things that fans of the series would like to see.
So, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom predictions are swirling already. Now we know the Tears of the Kingdom release date and name, focus has shifted towards working out what sort of open-world game Nintendo has been concocting for all these years.
One place where those discussions are always wonderfully loud is Reddit. The Zelda subreddit recently had a discussion titled “What would you like to see in Tears of the Kingdom?”, leading me to immediately run through my own personal wishlist, but it looks like the Zelda diehards have even brighter ideas than me. You can also check out our Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom review to get the full deep dive.
One user, mogmod, had a clear outline of what they want to see: “Real dungeons. Deeper story. More monster variety. More challenging bosses. More NPCs that I care about and will remember.” Fair enough, more of the good stuff, some additional stuff, and some deepening of the shallow stuff. Gotta love stuff.
They finished by saying, “My pipe dream: The Twili in some form or another. I know this won’t happen, but TP [Twilight Princess] is my fav game and I’d love to see Midna again or some other Twili.” To my eyes, the game is retreading aesthetic ideas from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword more than anything else, so I’d put my money on that being a bigger influence on the game.
Another user, jaspergants, has a clear and concise request: “a bustling Hyrule”. This was met with much agreement: “Omgosh yes thiisssss”, said one user. And yep, I agree. Give me a city with people in it. Just to look at. Like Dragon Quest XI.
Anyway, now that you’re thinking about it, why not grab The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom pre-orders so you’re ready for the big day?