Speculation is rife among the Bayonetta community as fans band together to discuss what the potential reasons could be for Platinum’s decision to offer Hellena Taylor, the Umbra Witch’s original voice, a one-off payout that the actress considered insulting, which is allegedly what led to the recasting of the iconic character, as Jennifer Hale now holds the role.
A few days ago, Taylor took to social media to explain why she isn’t the voice behind Bayonetta in the third game, and it’s fair to say that the Bayonetta 3 fan reaction to this turn of events isn’t good for Platinum Games, as many agree with the voice actress, and think that her offer of $4,000 for a character and franchise she helped propel to stardom is beyond insulting.
Furthermore, one look at a Reddit megathread shows that fans have their own ideas on the reason for the low offer. One Redditor, Etherite11, thinks that “whatever VA agency Platinum hired didn’t want Hellena because she is the only non-US-based actor.” While fellow user pangeapedestrian points out that Hale “is making a lot more than 4k,” and therefore, they don’t think that “Platinum was just trying to cut costs on one voice actor.”
Why did Platinum recast Bayonetta?
The short answer is we don’t know. Yes, there’s a lot of speculation out there, but that’s exactly what it is, speculation. In truth, we might never know the full story, but we’ll update this article should new details come to light.

If you still plan to play the game, despite Taylor calling for fans to boycott, make sure you check out our Bayonetta 3 pre-order guide to discover what bonuses you can get.