Kayleigh Partleton

Kayleigh Partleton

Job Title
Deputy Editor
Kayleigh got her journalistic start at PocketGamer.biz and PCGamesInsider.biz before joining GameRant as a list writer. In May 2021, she joined Pocket Tactics as a Staff Writer, stepping into the Deputy Editor role in November 2022. A lover of all things Nintendo and mobile, she also enjoys taking long walks with Geralt of Rivia while she’s not playing Pokémon, Life is Strange, Poppy Playtime, Dark Souls, Disney Mirrorverse, Dead by Daylight, or FNAF, that is. Failing that, she’s probably searching for new Roblox giveaways or testing out the latest OnePlus and the best gaming phones. For more of her words, head to The Loadout and Wargamer. Oh, and she doesn’t think that Skyrim is a good RPG, she has the audacity to think it’s boring.

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