The Final Fantasy 9 animated series is set to be shown at the upcoming Licensing Expo event, according to an interview from Animation Magazine with Bruno Danzel d’Aumont, vice president of international licensing at the animation company Cyber Group Studios. The event takes place from May 24 to May 26, so not too long to wait.
This comes a little under a year since we heard that the Final Fantasy IX animated series exists, and found out about Cyber Group Studios’ involvement. FF9 came out in 2000, so it’s interesting that Square Enix picked this game for the animation treatment, although it seems to be aiming for the pre-teen demographic.
As Bruno Danzel d’Aumont said, “our most recently developed shows — Digital Girl, The McFire Family, Press Start! and Final Fantasy IX — will be presented for the first time. These four new series have a strong licensing appeal for different age targets.” For more FF stuff, check out our Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis release date speculation.
When will we get our first look at the Final Fantasy IX animated series?
Cyber Group Studios is bringing a first look at the Final Fantasy IX animated series to the Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, held between May 24 and May 26. It’s unclear exactly when it will be shown. Check out the original game’s trailer below for some nostalgia.
That’s all we’ve got, but check out our guide to the best Final Fantasy games on Switch for more.