During the Final Mr Sakurai Presents stream, alongside the announcement of Sora from Kingdom Hearts coming to Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Sakurai also revealed that several Kingdom Hearts games will arrive on the platform soon.
Kingdom Hearts – HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and Kingdom Hearts III, will all arrive on Nintendo Switch, but as cloud versions. That means each title is only accessible if you have a steady, and strong, internet connection, and won’t be available to download onto your Nintendo Switch device.
While Kingdom Hearts III was originally on PS4, and may be slightly more taxing on the Nintendo Switch (though very possible as it’s made with Unreal Engine 4), the other entries all appeared, and ran easily, on PS3 and Xbox 360. A lack of physical or digital editions of those games on Nintendo Switch is a somewhat underwhelming omission. No Kingdom Hearts Switch release date has yet been given, so we expect to hear more about these titles on Nintendo Switch in the future.
If you want to get all the information, you can watch the entire Mr Sakurai Presents here. This includes all the latest details on Sora in Smash, and the announcement of the Kingdom Hearts games for Switch.
Then, Nintendo Switch owners should check out our bumper guide to the very best October Switch games to keep your thumbs busy while we wait for Sora to arrive.