Capcom has confirmed an exciting new digital event dedicated to news on the upcoming Monster Hunter Rise expansion, Sunbreak. Unveiling on March 15 at 14:00 GMT/7:00 PDT, the live stream will be held over on the official Monster Hunter Twitch and is expected to be around 20 minutes long. Capcom has already announced that you can expect new monsters, gameplay, and more information on the expansion.
So what do we know about the expansion before the Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak digital event? While information is slim right now, we put together a Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak release date guide that includes a look at all the current information, including the new monsters you’ll face off against soon. Trailers hint at a trip on the high seas, so a return to aquatic battles is certainly possible.
Other peeks at the expansion so far hint towards a theme of classic monster movies, with the cover monster Malzeno being based on vampire legends. Perhaps the new footage will give us monsters based on other legendary creatures like the mummy or a zombie. Sunbreak is expected to release later this Summer, so hopefully, we don’t have too long to wait until we can finally sink our teeth into this meaty addition.
Check out the latest trailer for Sunbreak from the Game Awards to see the newest monster, seemingly based on the legend of a werewolf.
When is the Monster Hunter digital event?
The latest Monster Hunter Rise digital event is broadcasting on March 15, at 14:00 GMT/7:00 PDT. You can find it over on the official Monster Hunter Twitch channel.
If you want to make sure you’ve got all the help you need ahead of Sunbreak, be sure to check out our guide to Monster Hunter Rise amiibo and get your plastic pals to give you a boost.