During a Nintendo Direct, Capcom revealed Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, a “massive expansion” featuring new monsters, locations, and gameplay. Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak follows in the footsteps of the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion, which offered a huge amount of new content and increased the difficulty ranks. So, when was the Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak release date?
When was the Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Release Date?
The Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak release date fell on June 30, 2022.
What are the new monsters in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak?
Capcom revealed this monster during the very first trailer, Malzeno is an Elder Dragon, seen to be haunting a new locale that players can explore in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. With its blood-red wings and bat-like appearance, many are wondering if this latest monster will be based on a vampire. It’s found amongst castle ruins after all, and we see the monster snatch a Rathalos out of the air by its neck. This latest addition will be the flagship monster for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, as we see its silhouette on the game’s official logo, much like Magnamalo in Monster Hunter Rise.
Shogun Ceanataur
This crab-like creature returns from Monster Hunter 2, with its long, sharp pincers able to cut through even the toughest of rocks – and other monsters! We see Ceanataur stalking cave systems and waterways, so we don’t expect to run into this giant enemy crab out in the open.
A fanged wyvern who can cut through nearly anything with their claws, when they become enraged they incase themselves in ice that acts like armor. They’re inspired by legends of lycanthropes and werewolves.
The fanged beast Garangolm, its left arm is covered in moss and its right arm is covered in magma. When it attacks it uses duel elements of both fire and water.
Blood Orange Bishaten
This sub-species of the regular Bishaten throws exploding pinecones instead of its regular items.
First introduced in Monster Hunter Generations, Astalos returns for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. This glowing green wyvern crackles with electricity, and its wings resemble that of an insect.
Espinas is from the Monster Hunter Frontier series. In Spanish, its name means thorns, which isn’t a surprise considering how it looks!
Gore Magala
This glorious beast is the flagship monster from Monster Hunter 4. It may be blind, but its other senses are heightened, so it can find its prey with ease.
Daimyo Hermitaur
This humongous crustacean uses its claws to form a large shield, but it’s not just defense, it can also rip you apart! Hunters beware.
Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
A new sub-species of the fearsome arachnid, it now attaches fire to its silk, making this a brutally difficult beast and one not to be underestimated.
Lucent Nargacuga
Head over to our Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak new monsters guide for a more in-depth look at the creatures.
Where is Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak set?
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak takes place at Elgado Outpost, a bustling port town and a research facility home to many scientists. In the latest trailer, we learn it’ll have familiar locations such as a tea shop, a blacksmith, and a merchant.
Does Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak have amiibo support?
Capcom revealed that the existing Monster Hunter Rise amiibo work with Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, unlocking additional layered armor for hunters, palamutes, and palicos.
Monster Hunter Rise players can stay ahead of the competition with our weapon guides, such as the best Monster Hunter Rise Dual Blades build, and Monster Hunter Rise bow build guide. Happy hunting!