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Pokémon Masters tier list - the best sync pairs by type

Create the best team with our Pokémon Masters tier list, highlighting all the best sync pairs by type, from physical strikers to supports.

Like many other popular mobile games at this point, Pokémon Masters features dozens of units players can collect; with some noticeably better than others. That’s why a Pokémon Masters tier list is extremely useful. Weakness and resistance values can make identifying the best difficult at times, as each and every unit is better or worse depending on the battles ahead.

Before we get into that though, a brief description: Pokémon Masters splits your sync pairs into four different roles, including physical, special, tech, and support, with each of them operating differently. We’ll go into more details as to how each of them functions later in this guide. We’re more invested in the best sync pairs available, admittedly, so we’re going to focus on that. Here are our favourites so far.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into our Pokémon Masters tier list.

Pokémon Masters tier list for best physical striker sync pairs

The ‘sweeper’ style of play has long been popular in competitive mainstream Pokémon titles, so we’re starting things off with the strongest physical attackers in the game.

Tier Sync Pair
S Cynthia & Mega Garchomp, Gloria & Zacian, Hilbert & Mightyena, N & Zekrom, Steven & Mega Metagross, May & Swampert
A Hala & Crabominable, Iris & Haxorus, Maxie & Groudon, May & Mega Lopunny, Olivia & Lycanroc (midnight form), Selene & Decidueye, Steven & Alolan Sandslash, Sygna Suit Grimsley & Mega Sharpedo, Blue & Mega Pigeot
B Bea & Sirfetch’d, Elesa & Zebstrika, Guzma & Golisopod, Hilda & Emboar, Korrina & Mega Lucario, Lyra & Jigglypuff, Nate & Braviary
C Bruno & Machamp, Bugsy & Mega Beedrill, Kris & Feraligatr, Marshal & Conkeldurr, Molayne & Dugtrio, Morty & Drifblim, Noland & Mega Pinsir, Roxie & Scolipede
D  Hapu & Mudsdale, Kahili & Toucannon, Norman & Slaking, Roark & Rampardos, Sygna Suit Brock & Tyranitar, Tate & Solrock, Wulfric & Avalugg

Recommended Pokémon Masters physical striker sync pairs

Pokémon Masters tier list Cynthia and Garchomp

Cynthia and Mega Garchomp

When used with the Acerola and Palosand Tech sync pair, Cynthia and Mega Garchomp become almost unstoppable. While Palosand whips up an intense sandstorm and boosts the party’s attack and critical hit rate, Mega Garchomp performs devastating damage.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
561 409 177 131 145 334


Move Power Effect
Earthquake 100 / 120 Deals damage to all opponents
X Attack 0 Sharply raises attack.
Slash 50 / 60 Higher chance of a critical hit
This Match Is Too Fun! 0 Raises speed and critical hit rate. Stats are sharply raised when you’re in a sandstorm

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Fast-Track 2 Has a chance of raising the Pokémon’s Speed after a move is used
Surging Sand 5 Powers up moves during a sandstorm
Ground Shift Normal-type moves become Ground-type moves

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Earthquake of Ancient Lore 160 / 192 Become Mega Garchomp until the end of the battle

Pokémon Masters tier list Hilbert and Mightyena

Hilbert and Mightyena

Hilbert and Mightyena are one of very few early game Dark-type sync pairs. The pair has extremely high HP, but can take some time to set up in order to reach their full potential.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
745 350 123 230 123 267


Move Power Effect
Crunch 99 / 118 May lower the target’s defence
X Attack 0 Sharply raises attack.
Double-Edge 167 / 200 You’ll take 25% of the damage this move deals to the target
Rawr! 0 Raises speed. Dramatically raises speed if the user is affected by a status condition. Raises critical hit rate. Lowers defence and special defence

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Carry On 1 Raises attack each time another Pokémon on the field faints
Spur On 4 Charges your move gauge by four each time another Pokémon on the field faints
Dark Shift Normal-type moves become Dark-type moves

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Bump-in-the-Night Crunch 250 / 300 Raises critical hit rate

Pokémon Masters tier list Gloria and Zacian

Gloria and Zacian

This late-game sync pair has amazing stats that make the duo extremely versatile. With the right team supporting Zacian, taking down even the toughest foes is easy with the jaw-dropping power of Behemoth Blade.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
561 390 162 252 162 395


Move Power Effect
Behemoth Blade 144 / 172 The move’s power increases if the target has a sync buff
Move Gauge Boost 0 Increases move gauge by three
Play Rough 111 / 133 There is a small chance of lowering the target’s attack.
Laser-Sharp Focus! 0 Reduces sync move countdown by one. Raises attack. The next attack will be a critical hit

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Fierce Entry 2 Raises attack when the Pokémon enters a battle
Move Gauge Refresh 4 May charge the user’s move gauge by one when a move is successful
Sync Burst 1 Heals one MP when a sync move is used for the first time

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Glorious Behemoth Blade 200 / 240 The move’s power increases if the target has a sync buff

Pokémon Masters tier list for best special striker sync pairs

Much like the physical striker, special strikers excel in dealing large amounts of damage; usually at the cost of personal bulk.

Tier Sync Pair
S Karen & Mega Houndoom, Leon & Charizard, Lusamine and Pheromosa, Sygna Suit Red & Mega Charizard X
A Alder & Volcarona, Archie & Kyogre, Blue & Mega Pidgeot, Brendan & Sceptile, Lance & Dragonite, Lysandre & Yveltal, Raihan & Duraludon, Sygna Suit Cynthia & Kommo-o, Wally & Mega Gallade
B Burgh & Leavanny, Caitlin & Reuniclus, Cyrus & Palkia, Giovanni & Mewtwo, Lance & Gyarados
C Barry & Empoleon, Clair & Kingdra, Ethan & Typhlosion, Fantina & Mismagius, Flint & Infernape, Gardenia & Roserade, Hau & Alolan Raichu, Jessie & Arbok, Plumeria & Salazzle, Pryce & Dewgong, Silver & Ho-Oh
D  Player & Solgaleo, Shauntal & Chandelure, Siebold & Clawitzer, Valerie & Sylveon, Zinnia & Rayquaza

Recommended Pokémon Masters special striker sync pairs

Pokémon Masters tier list Sygna Suit Red and Charizard

Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X

Mega Charizard X is the fastest Pokémon to Mega Evolve, meaning it becomes an asset without much grind. With some of the best stats in-game, amazing attacks, and abilities that boost its power even further, Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X are a must-have duo for any team.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
678 469 133 469 133 273


Move Power Effect
Heat Wave 109 / 130 May leave the target burned
Flare Blitz 123 / 147 Removes frozen condition. The user takes 25% of the damage dealt. May leave the target burned
Blast Burn 178 / 213 Damages the opponent
My Destiny! 0 Raises special attack and speed. Lowers defence and special defence. If Charizard has Mega Evolved, this move also raises attack.

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Propulsion 1 May reduce sync move countdown by one when a move is successful
Piercing Gaze Moves never miss
Move Gauge Refresh 4 May charge the move gauge by one when a move is successful

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Living Legend Blast Burn 160 / 192 Become Mega Charizard X until the end of the battle. Raises critical hit rate

Pokémon Masters tier list Lusamine and Pheromosa

Lusamine and Pheromosa

Although Pheromosa doesn’t have stats that match up to Mega Charizard X in the long run, it’s still an outstanding early game striker. Pheromosa’s great base stats and typing make this pair a great choice until you get Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
513 474 66 474 66 458


Move Power Effect
Bug Buzz 99 / 118 May lower the target’s special defence
Lunge 80 / 96 Lowers the target’s attack
Blizzard 126 / 151 Never misses during a hailstorm. May leave the target frozen
There, There… 0 Raises evasiveness and critical hit rate. Restores some of the user’s HP and charges the move gauge by two in a pinch

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Endurance If Pheromosa enters the battle with full HP, it will endure the next hit it takes that would reduce it to 0 HP
Move Gauge Refresh 4 May charge the move gauge by one when a move is successful
Positive Reinforcement 3 Raises attack and special attack when it knocks out an opponent

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Motherly Love Savage Spin-Out 250 / 300 Damages an opponent

Pokémon Masters tier list Karen and Houndoom

Karen and Mega Houndoom

Another sync pair that works well when used in conjunction with Acerola and Palosand, Houndoom gains some amazing stat boosts when enemies are debuffed.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
530 313 176 391 161 405


Move Power Effect
Snarl 39 / 46 Lowers the target’s special attack
Dire Hit + 0 Raises critical hit rate
Dark Pulse 95 / 114 May make the target flinch
Entertain Me! 0 The lower your HP is, the more this move raises special attack

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Flameproof Prevents the Pokémon from getting burned
Wide Awake Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Beguiling Dark Pulse 160 / 192 Become Mega Houndoom until the end of battle

Pokémon Masters tier list for best tech sync pairs

Tech units specialise in punishing their targets with a barrage of status ailments. It isn’t unusual for them to then carve out extra damage with their sync moves against inflicted foes, but paired with a matching striker, tech units can pin strong targets in place while another knocks them out of the field.

Tier Sync Pair
S  Acerola and Palossand, Serena and Delphox, Sygna Suit Leaf and Mega Venusaur
A Bianca & Musharna, Koga & Crobat, May & Swampert, Professor Oak & Mew, Volkner & Luxray, May & Latias
B Agatha & Mega Gengar, Calem & Meowstic, Clemont & Heliolisk, Kukui & Lycanroc, Lisia & Mega Altaria, Mallow & Tsareena, Skyla & Togekiss, The Masked Royal & Incineroar, Viola & Masquerain, Wallace & Milotic, Will & Xatu
C Acerola & Mimikyu, Brawly & Hariyama, Brock & Onix, Crasher Wake & Floatzel, Erika & Vileplume, Flannery & Torkoal, Gladion & Silvaly, James & Weezing, Marnie & Morpeko, Nanu & Alolan Persian, Player & Pikachu, Ramos & Victreebel, Siebold & Octillery
D  Brycen & Cryogonal, Candice & Abomasnow, Clay & Seismitoad, Grant & Aurorus, Grimsley & Liepard, Janine & Ariados, Lorelei & Lapras, Lucy & Seviper, Lt. Surge & Electrode, Mina & Granbull, Thorton & Bronzong, Whitney & Miltank

Recommended Pokémon Masters tech sync pairs

Pokémon Masters tier list Sygna Suit Leaf and Venusaur

Sygna Suit Leaf and Mega Venusaur

Sygna Suit Leaf and Mega Venusaur are as much of an asset to your crew as Sygna Suit Red and Mega Charizard X. Mega Venusaur is the ultimate tank with outstanding healing abilities and damage output.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
677 247 226 296 271 154


Move Power Effect
Razor Leaf 43 / 51 Likely to critical hit
Potion 0 Restores HP
Mega Healing! 95 / 114 Reduces sync move countdown by one. If used by Mega Venusaur, sync move countdown is reduced by two. Gradually heals allies.
Frenzy Plant 90 Damages an opponent

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Potent Toxin 2 Increases damage the target takes from being poisoned
Sundering 9 Lowers the target’s defence, special defence, or both, when a move targeting an enemy is successful
Adrenaline 2 Reduces sync move countdown by two when a sync move is first used

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Tenacious Frenzy Plant 160 / 192 Become Mega Venusaur until the end of battle. This move’s power is increased if the target is poisoned

Pokémon Masters tier list Acerola and Palossand

Acerola and Palossand

When used in a team with Cynthia and Mega Garchomp or Karen and Mega Houndoom, Acerola and Palossand are an extremely valuable duo. Palossand can raise the team’s attack and critical hit rate and is hard to take down due to its sync move.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
502 163 174 126 164 210


Move Power Effect
Astonish 12 / 14 May make the target flinch
X Defense 0 Raises defence
Sandstorm 0 Whips up a sandstorm
Over Here! 0 Opponents will target Palossand for a short time. Gradually heals over time

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Sand Fortress Stats cannot be lowered during a sandstorm

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Never-Ending Royal Nightmare 200 / 240 The more your defence has been buffed, the more powerful this move becomes

Pokémon Masters tier list Serena and Delphox

Serena and Delphox

Delphox can dish out numerous status ailments and deal devastating damage to enemies. Serena and Delphox can support the team by removing status ailments with Can’t Stop Us!, all while putting enemies to sleep and dealing some of the best damage in the game.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
640 129 137 276 158 349


Move Power Effect
Fire Spin 38 / 45 Traps the target in fire
Hypnosis 0 Puts the enemy to sleep
Can’t Stop Us! 0 Removes all status ailments. Raises special attack and accuracy
Overheat 136 / 163 Lowers the user’s special attack

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Stat Leech 4 May lower the target’s attack, defence, special attack, special defence, speed, accuracy, or evasiveness when an attack hits. The user’s stat is also raised by the same amount
Good Night-mare 5 Moves are powered up when the enemy is asleep
Go Viral 9 When a status condition is inflicted on an opponent, the same status condition affects all opposing sync pairs

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Mystical Fire of Positivity 200 / 240 This move is more powerful if the enemy is asleep

Pokémon Masters tier list for best support sync pairs

Support units specialise in keeping the rest of the team fighting fit; not through healing, but tanking hits with their high bulk and buffing allies to hold their own.

Tier Sync Pair
S Sabrina and Mega Alakazam, Skyla and Swanna, Sygna Suit Blue and Mega Blastoise, Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom
A Dawn & Torterra, Erika & Comfey, Evelyn & Entei, Ingo & Excadrill, Jasmine & Mega Steelix, Kiawe & Alolan Form Marowak, Lillie & Clefairy, Lillie & Ribombee, Lyra & Meganium, Misty & Starmie, Piers & Obstagoon, Professor Sycamore & Xerneas, Rosa & Delibird
B Drake & Salamence, Elio & Primarina, Glacia & Mega Glalie, Lana & Araquanid, Leaf & Eevee, Phoebe & Dusknoir, Player & Torchic, Rosa & Serperior
C Cheren & Stoutland, Hilbert & Samurott, Roxanne & Probopass
D  Cheryl & Blissey, Liza & Lunatone, Marley & Arcanine, Marlon & Carracosta, Maylene & Medicham

Recommended Pokémon Masters support sync pairs

Pokémon Masters tier list Sygna Suit Blue and Blastoise

Sygna Suit Blue and Mega Blastoise

Much like the other Sygna Suit sync pairs, Sygna Suit Blue and Mega Blastoise are an asset to any team. Mega Blastoise is amazing at offering support and being a tank. It has some of the best stat buffing skills in-game and can take down any foe when in a team with a powerful striker.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
636 154 332 175 332 154


Move Power Effect
Water Pulse 47 / 56 May leave the target confused
X Defense All 0 Greatly raises the defence of all allies
To The Top! 0 Move gauges accelerate for allies. Raises critical hit rate of all allies
Hydro Cannon 178 / 213 Damages an opponent

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Force Field 4 May raise the special defence of all allies when Blastoise uses a move
Team Shout 9 Raises the attack, special attack, or both, of all allies when Blastoise is hit by an attack
Safety Net All allies are able to endure the next hit they take that would reduce them to 0 HP when a sync move is first used

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
Triumphant Hydro Cannon 160 / 192 Become Mega Blastoise until the end of the battle. The more Blastoise’s defence has been raised, the more powerful this move becomes

Pokémon Masters tier list Sabrina and Alakazam

Sabrina and Mega Alakazam

Sabrina and Mega Alakazam help your striker out by providing great buffs to special attack, critical hit rate, accuracy, and defence. Mega Alakazam can also do some decent damage to enemies, making it a good all-rounder.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
504 65 165 275 253 403


Move Power Effect
Psychic 99 / 118 May lower the target’s special defence
Dire Hit All 0 Raises the critical hit rate of all allies
Sixth Sense! 0 Slightly restores one ally’s HP. Raises an ally’s special attack and accuracy
Reflect 0 Reduces damage done to allies

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Unflappable Stops Mega Alakazam from flinching
Speedy Entry 1 Raises speed when Mega Alakazam enters the battle
Dauntless Special attack can’t be lowered

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
ESP Prodigy Psywave 160 / 192 Become Mega Alakazam until the end of the battle

Pokémon Masters tier list Skyla and Swanna

Skyla and Swanna

Swanna is a versatile tank with some handy heals, buffing abilities, and outstanding defence. Skyla and Swanna will make sure the team stays alive while also helping out with damage.

Max stats:

HP Attack Defence Special Attack Special Defence Speed
722 248 215 266 215 269


Move Power Effect
Gust 20 / 24 Damages an opponent
Potion 0 Restores HP
Take Flight! 0 Raises the defence and speed of all allies
Aerial Ace 45 / 54 Move never misses

Passive skills:

Skill Effect
Haste Speed cannot be lowered

Sync move:

Move Power Effect
High-Flying Sky Attack 200 / 240 The more Swanna’s speed has been raised, the more powerful this move becomes

If you want more Pokémon content, our Pokémon TCG Pocket tier list can help you out! You can also download Pokémon Masters on Google Play and the App Store.