There was an Apple earnings call on Thursday, showing a continued slump for the company’s hardware sales (just as the latest Samsung phones leave a distinct impression of innovation), while also revealing a mammoth one billion subscribers across all of Apple’s services. These include things like Apple Arcade, iCloud+, and Apple TV+, all of which and more you can have bundled under Apple One.
The news brought Apple’s stock down, but not as far as some analysts expected, likely due to the positive news for its subscription services. This businessy stuff isn’t all that interesting, though (unless you watch AAPL like a hawk). What is, are the details that Tim Cook revealed about Apple’s AI spending.
Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, responded to Deutsche Bank analyst Sydney Ho at the end of the earnings call, reaffirming the company’s AI focus (via Macworld). “We view AI and machine learning as core, fundamental technologies that are integral to virtually every product that we build. […] And of course we’ve been doing research across a wide range of AI technologies, including generative AI, for years. We’re going to continue investing, and innovating, and responsibly advancing our products with these technologies, with the goal of enriching people’s lives. That’s what it’s all about for us. As you know, we tend to announce things as they come to market, that’s our M.O., and I’d like to stick to that.”
Interesting, right? As Meta AI chatbots might invade Instagram soon, it’s refreshing to see at least one of the big tech players taking their time with it. Anyway, you can check out WWDC 2023 below for the latest from Apple.
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