It’s nearly time for a new Call of Duty: Mobile season to begin, and this one is known as Train to Nowhere. As ever, you can expect to see a host of new content, from new weapons and blueprints to perks, maps, operators, events, and even a new battle royale class to give you more combat options.
Naturally, Call of Duty: Train to Nowhere features two battle passes. One is premium, while the other is free. If you go for the free option, you can pick up a new ZRG 20mm bolt-action sniper rifle, a new battle royale class known as igniter (they tend to light things up with flaming tar traps), and a bunch of other goodies such as camos, blueprints, and the spider chow calling card.
Should you decide to splash some cash and go for the premium battle pass, you can grab a bunch of new operator skins, weapon blueprints, and the freebies you can get in the free battle pass. Of course, a new season means fresh maps, and with a name like Train to Nowhere, it should come as no surprise that Express is the additional location this time around.
When is the Call of Duty: Mobile Train to Nowhere release date?
Call of Duty: Mobile Train to Nowhere kicks off on September 7, and it brings a new event with it, Spyhunt. In essence, you can pick up an abundance of awards if you supply intel to your base.

If you want even more goodies, make sure you check out our Call of Duty: Mobile codes list. Or, for something similar yet different to play, make sure you check out our best mobile shooters guide.