Woah! We’ve found you a crate deal this week. You’re bound to have a smashing great time with this one. You’ll spin around no matter who’s in your way. Can you guess what it is yet? That’s right, the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on Nintendo Switch. On Amazon US, it’s $26.99 thanks to a huge 33% discount – an N. Sanely good deal, you might say.
We doubt that we need to dive into the history of the wumpa-loving marsupial. Of course, you’ve at least heard of him, but we’re going to go out on a limb and guess that you’ve joined him for an adventure once or twice. Well, the N.Sane Trilogy, as the name implies, invites you to go on three journeys with Crash.
Better still, these adventures are the OG. They take you back to the late nineties, back to a time where Crash led the charge on PlayStation. Crash Bandicoot first hit the scene in 1996, and it’s a joy to revisit today, even if we have to question whether the game has always been so difficult.
Up next is Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, a 1997 platformer that takes everything that you love about the first game, and cranks it up to 11. The level design is fantastic, it introduces the warp room layout, adds time trials, and you get to ride a polar bear – need we say more?
Buy it here
Finally, it’s Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, and this is our personal favourite. Throughout the game, you get to visit different time periods, including medieval, Ancient Egypt, Jurassic, a robotic future, and more. Better yet, you get to ride a tiger cub – Pura – across the Great Wall of China, that alone means this is a must-play – can you sense a pattern emerging?
Even if the games pose more of a challenge to your adult self than the kid of your past, it’s still a great nostalgia trip. However, if you’re still not convinced, you can check out the official trailer here.
If you’re a huge fan of this videogame icon, you should check out our spintastic list of the best Crash Bandicoot games on Switch and mobile.