Apple has killed Epic Games’ developer account, blocking the maker of Fortnite from bringing an alternative app store to iOS following the release of the 17.4 update to comply with new EU laws. Naturally, this ruins Epic’s iOS app store plans, and the company is quite unhappy.
In response, Epic put out a blog post detailing their disgruntlement while sharing emails between Apple executive Phil Schiller, Epic CEO Tim Sweeney, and Epic Game Store boss Steve Allison, as well as a letter confirming the termination of Epic Games’ developer program membership. It makes for interesting reading after the latest iPhone update.
In one email, Schiller talks extensively about the disagreements between the two companies, writing, “you testified that Epic Games, Inc. entered into the Developer Program with full understanding of its terms, and then chose to intentionally breach the agreement with Apple.” This statement refers to Fortnite’s ban on iOS after Epic implemented an in-app purchase system to bypass Apple fees.
Schiller continued, with some amusing quotes regarding the recent changes to iOS following EU legislation. “More recently, you have described our DMA compliance plan as ‘hot garbage,’ a ‘horror show,’ and a ‘devious new instance of Malicious Compliance,” he writes. “And you have complained about what you called “Junk Fees” and “Apple taxes.” Spicy, eh?
Schiller uses these quotes and Epic’s past actions to suggest that the company will not follow the new rules of Apple’s EU App Store and therefore shouldn’t have a developer program membership. “We invite you to provide us with written assurance that you are also acting in good faith, and that Epic Games Sweden will, despite your public actions and rhetoric, honor all of its commitments”, he finishes. “In plain, unqualified terms, please tell us why we should trust Epic this time.”
Beyond sharing these emails, Epic said in the same blog post that “this is a serious violation of the DMA and shows Apple has no intention of allowing true competition on iOS devices.” It’s clear, particularly with the leaking of emails, that Epic has no plans to make up and play nice with Apple, and we’ll keep our eyes on all future dramas and bring them to you right here. For more, check out the best gaming iPhones or the best games like Fortnite…