Epic Games has finally launched the latest Fortnite season, with chapter 3 season 2 now live on consoles and PC. This latest season brings in some fairly big changes, and a few surprising guest characters join the battle pass as well, though we’re definitely sad to see the loss of the Spider-Man web shooters from the previous season, as swinging around the map was just awesome.
The biggest change off the bat in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 is that building has been taken out of the main modes. Without cover, you now have the ability to use an ‘overshield’ which will be your first line of defence. On top of this, there are some new changes to movement, as your base running speed has been increased, and you also now have the ability to sprint. This comes with a sprint meter, as you can’t run forever, and you also can’t use weapons while sprinting.
Next, this season adds mantling, meaning if your character comes up to a platform just slightly out of reach when jumping, they can use their hands to pull themselves up. Finally, you can now open doors by sprinting into them and performing a shoulder bash. You can even open doors by sliding into them as well, so Epic has really improved movement has for this latest season.
You can watch the launch trailer below to see all the latest changes in action, as well as get to grips with the new cast of characters you will unlock with the battle pass.
The biggest addition to the character roster in Fortnite chapter 3 season 2 is the sorcerer supreme himself, Doctor Strange, who’s available as part of the battle pass. Later on this season, Spider-Man villain The Prowler is also set to become available through the regular battle pass.
While you wait to grab your next victory royale, why not check out our great guides for Fortnite creative codes, the best games like Fortnite on iOS, and the best Fortnite skins.