What’s the latest Garena Free Fire new update, we hear you cry? Well, that’s what this guide aims to answer. Given that the battle royale shooter has a near-monthly update cycle, each of them tends to be fairly big and full of exciting features. It’s only natural that you’ll get excited for the next Garena Free Fire update.
We organize the information in chronological order of the most recent Garena Free Fire new update, so you don’t need to scroll down too far to find the bit that’s most interesting to you. To save more than time, see our Garena Free Fire codes for some goodies, or use our Garena Free Fire diamonds guide to get your hands on more of the precious in-game currency.
Every single Garena Free Fire new update detailed

Free Fire’s April update
After a fairly long wait, we finally have an update as to when the next Garena Free Fire update will be. It’s been rumoured to drop on April 17, but we unfortunately don’t have an exact time yet. We’ll keep you posted as soon as we know, but in this update we can potentially expect a new weapon, new items, and even a new character. So there’s plenty to get excited about! We’ll update this guide with all the new info as soon as we have it.
Free Fire’s January update
The January 24, 2024 update was the first major update in a long time. This allows players to watch their friends’ matches as spectators, which is something that has been requested by the community for a long time, as players attempt to refine their strategies and have more fun.
Free Fire OB42 update
The latest Free Fire update is here in the form of OB42, and the biggest change was a shake-up to the in-game economy. Put simply, coins are now much easier to get, with a reward of 100 coins for every enemy you take down, plus the introduction of the coin machine. Every time you visit a coin machine, you get 200 coins for you and your teammates, and it doesn’t matter if any enemy has found it first.
This Free Fire update also introduces a new character in the form of Ignis. This superhero-inspired character wields some impressive flames, but he’s still got a lot of growing up to do compared to some of the other characters. We’ve got more of the highlights in the list below, but if you need the full details, check out the official Free Fire OB42 update blog post.
- New items in the vending machines, including turrets, skill cards, and gloo resources.
- Arrival of The Epic Battle game mode
- Adjustments to the guild system
- New character Ignis
- Snow-covered Bermuda and frozen lakes throughout different locations
- Multiple buffs and nerfs
Free Fire OB41 update
The OB41 update brought with it some zombie-killing delights, plus all the usual nerfs and buffs. We’ve got bullet point highlights below, but for the full patch notes, head over to the official Garena Free Fire site.
- Zombie Hunt returns!
- New Solo Dare mechanic in Battle Royale matches
- New character Suzy
- Character reworks for Antonio, Shani, Nairi, and Shirou
- Multiple buffs and nerfs
Free Fire OB40 update
Arriving on May 31, 2023, the Free Fire OB40 update is finally here. There are bullet point highlights below, or if you want the full picture, head over to the official Garena Free Fire site.
- New achievements feature to find out your achievements over six years of Free Fire.
- Earn titles from your achievements and swap them out in the main menu.
- You can now activate two skills in Clash Squad with the duo active skills mode.
- More Gloo makers!
- The usual optimizations, buffs, and nerfs.
Free Fire OB39 update
As of March 21 2023, the latest Free Fire update is here. We’ve got all the OB39 highlights below, but if you want the in-depth details, check out the official Free Fire website.
- New characters Orion and Awakened Alvaro enter the battle arena
- Character reworks for Otho, Xayne, Ford, and Dasha
- New in-match quests
- Training grounds optimisation
- Weapon adjustments for AC80, P90, M1887, and M500
Free Fire OB38 update
As of January 11 2023, the latest version of Garena’s shooter is here with the Free Fire OB38 update. We’ve got all the highlights below.
- New character Santino and pet companion Kactus arrive in-game
- Fresh game modes in big head and free-for-all games
- New items jammer and loot raider
- Reworks for Skyler and Kenta’s abilities
- New weapon gun glory leaderboard
Free Fire Winterlands update
Just in time for the season, the Free Fire Winterlands update is in the game as of November 16. There’s no new character this time around, but there are two, yes I said two, new game modes in the game.
Zombie hunt
This popular game mode is back in full force with the latest Free Fire update, providing you with a festive season full of firing at zombies. With different difficulty options, and talent points at stake, it’s well worth giving this undead shooting range a try.
Football squad mode
It’s not all bullets and bombs in Free Fire, not when there’s a world cup around the corner. For the next couple of months, social island has it’s own football, and you can play against other teams in 4v4 matches.
Buffs, nerfs, and changes
As ever, as well as new mechanics in the game, many of the existing characters, weapons, and maps recieve changes with each update. To see what’s gone on this time, check out the official Free Fire patch notes.
Free Fire Booyah Day update
The latest update to Free Fire, OB36, arrived on September 21, 2022. As ever, there’s a bunch of new content to check out, and we’ve picked out the highlights below.
New character Tatsuya
A brand new character is joining the Free Fire roster in the form of Tatsuya. This quick-as-a-flash fighter is a potent melee attacker and can retreat from the battle with speed if he finds himself outmanoeuvred. Tatsuya’s speed also makes him a deadly ambush threat, so make sure to keep your peepers peeped for any sudden movements..
Gun skins
Time-limited gun skins are now a thing of the past! From here on out in Free Fire, you can keep your favoured skin across multiple seasons and updates, rather than have to waste time deciding on a fancy new look for your glorious gun.
New CS map Nexterra
After becoming available in battle royale, you now jump into the chaos of NeXTerra in either clash squad ranked or casual modes. A new map means new places to camp, or kill campers, so be sure to check it out as soon as possible.
That’s as well as all the balancing changes that take place with each update, and if you want those in-depth details you can find them at the official Garena Free Fire site.
OB35 5th anniversary update
The most recent Garena Free Fire update, OB35 5th anniversary, went live on July 20, 2022. As part of the anniversary celebrations, Free Fire has seen a bunch of new content, and gameplay changes, to keep the game fresh for the fanbase.
General updates
- UI redesign – As part of the continuing Free Fire rebrand, almost all of the in-game UI has been redesigned to be sleeker and easier to use.
- New weapon – The fast and forceful SMG: BIZON has arrived which lacks in accuracy but is very effective at close quarters.
- Gloo wall smart throw – Gloo walls are one of the biggest gimmicks in Free Fire, and they’re now easier than ever to use thanks to the gloo walls smart throw option available in the options menu.
Character updates
- Miguel – Miguel’s crazy slayer ability can now be activated by knocking down enemies rather than eliminating them.
- Andrew – Andrew’s wolf pack ability has been enhanced with vest durability loss changing from 2/4/6/8/10/12% to 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
- Hayato – Hayato’s art of blades armour penetration skill has been slightly decreased from 7.5/8/8.5/9/9.5/10% to 4.5/5/5.5/6/6.5/7%.
- Antonio – Antonio’s gangster’s spirit ability now gives you 5 more HP when starting a round
- Nikita – The damage boost from Nikit’as firearms expert skill has been increased to make the effect more potent.
- Joseph – Joseph’s nutty movement springing and moving speed has been reduced from 10/12/14/16/18/20% to 5/7/9/11/13/15%.
As ever, the latest update also changes a lot of the weapon effects, drop mechanics, and more, so if you need all the details in full, head over to the official Garena Free Fire patch notes page.
OB34 Rampage update – May 25
The newest update to Garena Free Fire landed on May 25, with a host of new updates. As ever, for the full patch notes, you can head over to Garena’s official website, but we’ve got the highlights below.
General updates
- Airdrop enhancement – Pending airdrops now appear on the map, and the airdrop light signal will now fade when a case has been looted. As well as this, rare airdrops now have a stronger light than regular loot, so you can make better judgments on whether the raid is worth it.
- Pin function – You can now pin places on the map, opponents, and weapons, to better organise your battles.
- Craftland – Now you can create maps in all versions of Garena, with the devs adding a new smaller map template, and a zombie horde spawn point, to create some truly chaotic and creative locations.
Character adjustments
- Wolfrahh’s limelight ability has been adjusted to make it easier to pull the move off in a match, with the number of spectators needed halving from six to three, and the guaranteed limb damage is replaced with a headshot ability.
- Dimitri’s healing heartbeat ability has been changed so that you can now move freely when recovering without losing additional HP.
- D-Bee’s bullet beats ability has been adjusted to make the character’s firing speed consistent across all weapons.
- Chrono and Kenta’s special move cooldown periods have slightly increased.
- Xanye’s shield-damage attacks have gone from lasting 15 seconds to six, but with a halved cooldown period, and a significantly boosted damage output.
New weapon and weapon adjustments
- M24 – the M24 is a new sniper rifle to the game, with a solid rate of fire and long-range for hunting down distant opponents.
- Weapon buffs – Both the SCAR and the GROZA have an 8% increase in armor penetration, while the size of the treatment sniper’s magazine has been doubled.
- Weapon debuffs – The M79 has had a significant debuff for both damage and explosion range percentage, with the M14 getting a similar but less substantial treatment.
OB32 Illuminate update – January 19
Garena launched the newest OB32 update to Free Fire on January 19.
- Skyler, Olivia, Xayne, and Max all receive buffs for better character control, while Maxim’s gluttony skill gets much-needed a re-balance.
- Hangar and Nurek Dam areas are now playable in Bermuda, and Katulistiwa, Mars Electric, and Mill areas will update to include fewer empty battlegrounds.
- The Charger Buster shotgun is now available in the game, providing some serious firepower. Other weapons have seen updates also, with SMG’s having less range in the newest version, and rifles receiving a damage buff.
As well as this, you’ll notice some quality of life updates with human targets in the training grounds, protection from explosives with new vests, and a new range of airdrop weaponry.
The Alpine Map – January 1
Free Fire will release its new Alpine map in the new year on 1 January 2022
● The highly anticipated, permanent Alpine map will launch on 1 January, ‘New Age Day’, with key collectables and never-before-seen in-game events.
● Players can look forward to receiving the new Yeti pet when they log in on 1 January.
● From now till New Age Day, fans can explore the new map through an immersive springtime experience.
Free Fire Survivors, get ready for New Age Day on 1 January 2022! After weeks of blizzardous content and hard-won battles in the frost, Free Fire’s New Age Campaign will enter an exciting finale as it launches its new, permanent spring-themed Alpine map alongside limited-time activities and missions.
From today, players can also sneak a peek at the new spring map through an immersive experience at Free Fire Winterland, and unlock mini adventures as they explore different zones.
Battle it out with New Age’s new ranked season and snag exclusive collectables
Survivors looking to amp up their Free Fire experience and test their skills within the unfamiliar territory on Alpine Map need to wait no longer – the new map will be available to Survivors on 1 January.
Survivors will have the chance to earn over 100 Magic Cube Fragments by participating in in-game matches, which can be exchanged for exclusive items in the Magic Cube Exchange Store! Additionally, a number of time-limited bundles, such as the Winter Icerunner costume bundle, will be redeemable through the exchange store in the New Age main activity once players have acquired enough New Age tokens. Players who log in on 1 January will also receive their very own Yeti pet that they can bring into battle.
A new island for Survivors to explore and discover.
Come 1 January, Free Fire fans will be able to explore the ins and outs of Alpine as it becomes a permanent fixture of Free Fire! Alpine is a southern island and was originally a fishing village before becoming a military outpost during the winter war, where Team Elite fought hard against villains Mr. Red and Yeti over the stolen energy core.
Key features of Alpine include:
The Vantage zone is composed of several buildings with different structures, and several wide roads shuttle between them. The warehouse in the center of the area has become a crucial position to control the conflict.
Play for free!
Willful Wonders Elite Pass
Garena Free Fire’s latest Elite Pass, Willful Wonders, has landed. It’s inspired by Alice in Wonderland, meaning you can expect to see plenty of fairytale-themed items, including white rabbit and Mad Hatter skins.
Attack on Titan event
Garena Free Fire is set to face off against legendary manga and anime Attack on Titan for a major crossover event. You can expect to see event-exclusive skins, including titan costumes, as well as fresh gun cosmetics and more.
New character Skyler
Vietnamese singer-songwriter Son Tùng M-TP has released a theme song for upcoming character Skyler, who seems set to arrive in-game alongside a major new update on February 4.
One-Punch Man event
Garena Free Fire’s crossover with One-Punch Man is now underway. You can expect to see a full makeover of the in-game interface, stylish Genos and Saitama skins, and a host of other neat additions. Peak day for the One-Punch Man event is set for January 23.
Bermuda remastered
Garena Free Fire has given its popular Bermuda map a fresh lick of paint. This temporary upgrade tasks you with completing diary missions for big rewards. Though be warned! The map will revert to normal come January 10.
Operation Chrono
Garena Free Fire’s latest event will introduce an all-new character, Chrono, who happens to be modelled on legendary footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. To coincide with the event, Free Fire’s in-game style is now suitably cyberpunk, which is also reflected in some of the skins featured above.
Swordsman Legends SVD
After a couple of days of teasing us, the Swordsman Legends SVD is now in Garena Free Fire as of November 4. This sniper rifle has increased ammo capacity and decent damage, at the cost of some accuracy.
New pet: Rockie
A new pet has also appeared on the Garena Free Fire Facebook group. Rockie is a raccoon with a guitar strapped to their back and a little tattoo of a heart with a skull in it. Taking Rockie with you reduces the cooldown time of equipped active skills by “X%”.
Ultrasonic Wave Elite Pass
Cooper and Candy, the hip-hop lovers, are making their way through Free Fire’s world with their unique soul patrols. These funky fresh DJs are ready to cause quite a scene in Free Fire’s latest Elite Pass.
Lasting from November 1 – 30, music lovers will want to pick up some of the rewards offered in this pass. You can expect to find items like a Futuristic guitar-shaped surfboard, a boombox backpack, and even a grenade designed to look like a microphone.
Here are some of the EP’s additional rewards:
- Ultrasonic Swing skin
- Treatment Gun skin
- Monster Truck skin
- Toom of Bomb skin
Anubis Legend II Elite Pass
Doomsday appears to have arrived within Garena Fire with the game’s latest Elite Pass, Anubis Legend II. This showcases Free Fire’s world on the brink of complete destruction as major powers come together to rebuild, then potentially overthrow one another.
Some of the rewards up for grabs include Egyptian-themed skins, the Relic Guardian, and Relic Monarch skin bundles. They’ve been designed to put you in the shoes of two of the Republic of Kemet’s leaders: Solaris (with the Relic Guardian bundle) and Isira (with the Relic Monarch bundle).
Here are some of the EP’s additional rewards:
- Serpent Backpack
- Pharaoh Hound Loot Crate
- Anubis Legend II grenade skin
- Pharaoh’s Ride surfboard skin
Booya Day update
Garena Free Fire’s next major patch, Booyah Day, is set to arrive on September 23rd. It’s going to add a ton of fresh content, including Season Three of Clash Squad Ranked, the all-new PARAFAL assault rifle, another spawn island, and a number of requested tweaks.
If you want to earn yourself a Golden FAMAS, you’ll be needing to take part in the latest season of Clash Squad and rank up to Gold III or above. That said, the reward, in this case, is certainly worth the effort.
Shortly after the update, you’ll be able to acquire the new PARAFAL assault rifle. It boasts impressive range and stopping power, though its slow rate of fire demands extreme accuracy. If you do happen to miss a few too many shots, you could always regain the upper hand by tactically cooking a grenade, which is another new feature.
Beyond that, you’ll soon be able to scan for nearby vehicles, making it easier than ever to escape from messy gunfights. Free Fire will also make it simpler for friends to hang out in the Training Grounds by reworking spawn points and allowing pals to spawn closer to one another. Once you’re together, you can play a few rounds of the Target Arcade mini-game, set each other alight with the flamethrower, or catch a film in the theatre.
Then there’s the new span island, known as ‘The Arena’. This was designed for the Free Fire Continental Series 2020, and it will launch alongside the Booyah Day update. Finally, the update will make it easier to transfer your HUD preferences and settings between devices and updates. The Free Fire Cloud will let you upload, download, and overwrite your data.

Money Heist Peak Day
With Free Fire’s Money Heist crossover now winding to a close, it’s time to get involved in the event’s Peak Day celebrations. The Professor has tasked all Free Fire players with retrieving and securing Maxim, who was detained by police during a heist gone awry.
Logging in during Peak Day is enough to net you a pet panda and panda heist skin. You’ll also have the chance to earn ‘Heisted Cash’ tokens by killing enemies during the Deadbox Drop, which is set to run from September 19th to the 22nd. These tokens can then be exchanged for neat rewards, including a grand prize.
The all-new Money Heist game mode sees two teams of four battling it out to secure and defend money printers in order to obtain the most cash within a strict time limit. Do bear in mind that this mode is only playable until September 22nd, so be sure to get involved while you still can.
Celestial Street Elite Pass
Free Fire has a brand new Elite Pass in the form of Celestial Street, which includes a brand new story that follows the sudden disappearance of the Hellkin crew leader.
Damon and Celeste, two friends who grew up with each other but joined two different crews, are now at war with each other following the disappearance we mentioned earlier.
But this is all just to add flavour to brand new rewards that you can earn if you get involved in the Elite Pass content, including:
- Street Devil skin set
- Street Angel skin set
- Demon Fury loot box skin
- Celestial Blade skateboard skin
- Demon Fury backpack skin
- Dust Off emote
Yay, a Garena Free Fire new update! It’s felt like ages since the last one because, well, it has been. This update provides a wealth of changes, though the most notable are:
- Clash Squad season two
- Horizaline revive kit
- New spawn island, character, weapon, and pet
Let’s dig into the details proper.
Clash Squad season two
Season two is here, and it features a new exclusive item: the Golden G18. There are also changes to the Clash Squad Store and you can now view your career stats in your profile.
New characters, weapons, items, and features
Here are all of the exciting new arrivals:
- Horazaline: this nifty new item allows you to revive yourself in battle
- The Runway: a brand new spawn island
- AUG: this new assault rifle is available in Classic and Clash Squad, features a 2x scope by default, and is effective at medium range
- Luqueta: a brand new character that you can grab right now in the Free Fire Store. She increases her maximum HP each kill, up to a maximum 35%
- Acting Guild Leader: when a guild leader is inactive for over 30 days, members can vote for a new acting guild leader
- Weapon presets: you can now automatically purchase your favourite gear between rounds in TDM, Kill Secured, and Rampage
Balancing and adjustments
Yes, there are always a myriad of balancing changes and adjustments, and we’ve rounded up the most exciting stuff below:
- Aim assist will now prioritise players who are in combat in Clash Squad
- Headshots will do less damage for 0.85s after crouching, to fix an exploit
- The Motorbike, Jeep, and Tutu vehicles are now 10kms faster per hour, while the SUV is 10kms slower
- Vehicle speed will now display more accurately and the camera will zoom out when at max speed
- Gliders now descend faster while above 38m altitude
- Healing now has a cap at 50HP per second
- AK now deals more damage, fires faster, and has an additional precise shots
- You move 10% faster while shooting the FAMAS
- The M249 now deals significantly more damage, has eight more precise shoots, and 18% lower recoil
- The SPAS12 has seen a slight buff to damage, while the XM8 has had a slight nerf to precise shots
- You can now give up and redeploy when downed in Big Head Mode
- Gun King now supports 4v4 and you can skip a weapon if you lose three consecutive battles in a row
You can find full details in the news post on the official site.
wolfrahh arrives in game
Update 0B22 has arrived, bringing the new character Wolfrahh, the first season of ranked Clash Squad – which we detail in the May update – alongside new anti-hack measures. As the Garena team said of cheating in the announcement post:
“Keeping Free Fire fair and balanced for all Survivors is the game’s number one priority. Since April, Free Fire has been taking strong actions against hackers, but it’s not stopping there. New anti-hack systems are being implemented into the game to ensure no one is getting an edge over competitors through the use of unauthorised third-party programs. Permanent bans will be issued to any player who is found to be cheating.”
The update also returns the mode Purgatory – Classic, a simplified version of Bomb Squad, to the game. For more details on exactly what the first season of Clash Squad entails, be sure to check out our May update post below!
clash squad ranked season one kicks off on june 4
Team Garena has announced that the first season of Clash Squad kicks off on June 4, with a wealth of changes thanks to feedback from the pre-season.
The update also provides a new character and pet, a whole bevvy of balance changes, and more. We’re only going to include the most exciting new features here though, so if you want a full breakdown, check out the full patch notes. Let’s dig into it:
Anti-hack measures
Team Garena revealed details for further anti-hack measures, including a new system that tracks whether players are using third-party software to give them an advantage.
Clash Squad season one
Clash Squad gets its first ranked season on June 4, with a bunch of improvements to the structure thanks to feedback from the pre-season. Here are the changes in full:
- Kalahari is coming to the matchmaking pool
- There are new leaderboards for kills and win-rate
- You can check your career performance for Clash Squad in your profile
- If you leave in the middle of a match too often, you are temporarily banned from playing ranked matches in Clash Squad
- Bots will now take over for disconnected or AFK teammates
- Those who reach Gold III rank will receive a Golden Eagle reward
Clash Squad season one will begin on June 4 and end on July 29.
New character – Wolfrahh
Wolfrahh is a brand new character available in Garena Free Fire, and arrives with the Limelight skill, which increases damage to enemy limbs at the cost of decreased damage of headshots.
New pet – Falco
Falco is a brand new pet that increases gliding speed while skydiving and parachuting for yourself and the whole team.
Bomb Squad changes
Bomb Squad now features a store, much like Clash Squad, rather than preset weapons, and the objectives have been made much clearer.
Training Grounds changes
The shooting range and the practice zone are now separated, vehicles have been added, and gloo walls and M82B have been added to the armoury.
Miscellaneous changes and features
- Hitmarkers: Team Garena has increased the size and changed the colour of hitmarkers to help make it easier to spot when your shot connects. You can turn the new hitmarkers on in your settings menu.
- Active skill exchange: You can now equip other character’s active skills.
- Purgatory – Classic: has returned, per player request.
- Info box: now shares the safe zone’s location with teammates automatically.
- Attachment changes: the VSS bleeding attachment now provides eight bleeding damage, up from seven, while the Kar98k now takes 30% longer to unscope after a shot, to prevent players quick-swapping between two Kar98ks.
- Inhaler: you can now use the Inhaler at any EP/HP.
- Skill activation indicators: passive skill icons now light up when the skill activates.
ranked clash squad, store updates, and new characters, weapons, and vehicles
The latest Garena Free Fire update features a ranked mode for the popular Clash Squad mode, alongside store updates, and brand new content. Here’s the full list:
Clash Squad – ranked mode
The relatively new Clash Squad mode is getting a ranked format, which introduces a ladder for you to climb if you feel like you’re good enough. Casual mode will still remain though, for those that just like to play for fun.
The ranked mode will kick off on April 9, with a pre-season. Mark your calendars.
Store updates
The following new items are now available in the store, and are exclusive to Clash Squad casual and ranked:
- Smoke grenade: this brand new item is available in Clash Squad only, and you can only carry one at a time in battle
- The UMP has been replaced with the M60
- The CG-15 has been replaced with the Thompson
- The flash grenade has been replaced with the smoke grenade
- The Kar98k now features a biometric scope
- The XM8 and M1014 now have increased prices
New character – Kapella
Kapella is a brand new character available in the Free Fire store. She’s the lead singer of a K-pop band who specialises in healing thanks to her Healing Song ability. Here’s how it works:
- Healing Song: Increase the effects of healing items by 10-20% and reduce ally’s HP loss when downed by 20-30%.
New vehicle – motorbike
A brand new vehicle, the motorbike, is now available across all modes and maps thanks to popular demand. The motorbike supports to players at once.
New weapon: Thompson
The Thompson is a brand new weapon available in Garena Free Fire’s Classic mode. It’s an SMG with a huge magazine that’s most effective at close-to-mid range.
Weapon balancing: MP5, UMP, and MX1887
Team Garena has made the following changes to the MP5, UMP, and M1887:
- MP5: +25% rate of fire, +7% accuracy, +20% movement speed while shooting, +13% effective range, removed grip attachment slot, and increased the precise shots from first three to first six
- UMP: +1 damage, +5 minimum damage, +25% armour penetration, -25% recoil, +15% movement speed, and -5% range
- M1887: +6% armour penetration, +4% rate of fire, -30% reload speed, and -1 minimum damage
New pet – Ottero
Ottero is an adorable new pet that improves your ability to recover your teammate’s EP thanks to the following skill:
- Double Blubber: when using a treatment gun or medkit, the receiver also recovers 30-65% of recovered HP as EP
New feature – airship
We don’t actually know that much about this feature, other than that an airship is going to fly over the Bermuda during the current Wonderland event, and will serve up some kind of surprise in Classic and Rank mode on April 18.
The following changes have also been introduced (the following are direct quotes from the official patch notes):
- Players can no longer hide on top of foliages
- Parachuting will now display backpack skin
- Added a setting to reduce the auto-pickup delay
- Added Camo box (camouflage) in Kalahari
- Players will no longer cancel picking up mushrooms by double-clicking the consume button
- Using active skill while scoping will no longer unscope the weapon
- Optimize the special effects for treasure maps
- Players can now see if they’re in a ranked or casual match
- TDM and Clash Squad match results and end-screen optimization
- Added a gallery for Elite Passes
- Elite Pass main page UI optimization
- Daily login reward button has been reduced in size
- Added additional missions for Elite Pass and Weekly Challenges
- Game centre log in is now supported
- Added Kalahari into the survivor manual
- Players can now quick-equip a character’s exclusive item upon unlocking
- Players can now purchase character fragments in the character selection menu
Kalahari and training grounds maps, Team deathmatch changes, new character, and more
The highlight of the February update includes two new maps: Kalahari and Training Grounds, some adjustments to Team Deathmatch, and a wealth of new content, including a new character. Here’s the full list of changes and additions:
New maps
There are two new maps: Kalahari and Training Grounds. Here’s a breakdown of what to expect from each of them:
- Kalahari: Kalahari will be available from February 28, and features a totally new style of environment: a desert wasteland
- Training Grounds: as the name suggests, this is a space where you can practice, hang out with friends, and try out the various different weapons
Team Deathmatch adjustments
Team Deathmatch only arrived in the previous update, but team Garena is already switching things up to improve the mode. Here are the changes in full:
- Item presets now always provide armour and helmets
- New weapons are available in the selection pool
- Airdrops now spawn in each match
- There are new respawn points
New character: Steffie
Steffie is a graffiti artist who’s a bit of a team player. Her special ability allows her to boost defensive stats in a small area:
- Painted Refuge: your graffiti reduces explosive damage by 15-25% and bullet damage by 5% for 5-10 seconds. 45 second cooldown
New healing item: Inhaler
The inhaler is a brand new healing item that allows you to move while increasing your health. However, it doesn’t quite increase as much health as a medkit.
- Restores 25 HP and EP up to a maximum of 150
- You can use it while moving
New attachments
There are two new attachments for specific weapons that are available right now in Classic Mode:
- AWM – Armour-Piercer: deal 300% extra damage to defensive gear
- Plasma – Thermal Boost: increases the time it takes to overheat and reduces the cooldown by 33%
Balancing adjustments
Balancing is an ongoing conundrum in any competitive game. Here’s how team Garena is trying to make the experience fairer:
- Electric Surfboard: reduced the surfing speed to 4.65 and sprint speed to 3.25. Speed while boosting is now 12 and you can boost for three seconds
- AN94: damage ratio has been reduced to 36, rate of fire has increased to 11%, minimum range has been increased, recoil recovery is increased by 100%, and the muzzle attachment slot has been removed
- XM8: damage ratio has been increased to 33, rate of fire has increased by 18%, magazine capacity has been reduced to 25, range has been decreased by five, accuracy has decreased by 5%, movement speed while aiming has increased by 15%, and shooting while moving no longer reduces accuracy
There are a bunch more changes too, including the following:
- Double magazine, ice gun, Kar98k, VSS, and M14 will now all appear in Rank Mode
- The friends list now has a new UI, optimised suggested friends, and you can now block requests
- You can now access the party screen via an ‘invite’ button in the lobby
- You can now send requests to join a party, join via an invitation code, remove teammates, and see recently played with in the party menu
- Players can now interchange pet skills with other skills they already have
- Sprint will no longer be interrupted by active skills
- Players can now mute selected teammates in voice chat
- Icon of the fire button will change based on the weapons used
- Optimised vehicle HP display
- Added an option to swap weapons automatically when running out of ammo
- Added tips to use the health pack when HP is low
- Added a setting that allows the minimap to be scaled automatically
And that’s it for our Garena Free Fire update guide. Make sure you go and grab some freebies from our Free Fire redeem code page.