Idea is an incredibly intriguing concept the likes of which I’ve not seen before and is now part of the Nintendo Switch’s expansive library of games. It’s made up of a birds-eye film of the real world, in 4K, and gets you thinking as you venture forth.
TLR Games’ project is a physics-based game with exploration and platforming elements. Not only is there interesting gameplay, but a look at the world as most of us have never seen: from the top down. Idea allows us to explore awe-inspiring landscapes with no loading screen interruptions, while we encourage our ideas to form.
In Idea, you start with a small thought – a little lightbulb icon – and help it on its way to finding a place in the world. It may flourish, or it may get found by someone else at a later time, but both outcomes are just fine. Once it stops, it becomes a piece of art like a bit of music, poetry, or just a fun sentence.
You can see other people’s ideas as you push your idea along its path, and get serenaded by music the whole time. Save other ideas that you find, and keep an eye on how popular your thoughts are with other players.
Idea takes inspiration from a short film of the same name, created by Olli Huttunen, and shares elements with The Longest Road on Earth, another of TLR Games’ projects that they co-created.

Idea already has a good reputation and scooped up multiple awards for Most Innovative Game, as well as being a finalist at the Sense of Wonder Night at the Tokyo Game Show and scoring two IndieCade Awards in 2022.
The game is already available on iOS and now on Nintendo Switch. Want some more recommendations for mobile gaming? We’ve got you covered. Check out the best wildlife games and the best bear games on mobile and Switch.