Riot Games has announced the first ‘Draw with Riot’ art stream is running tonight, creating a new character concept for Legends of Runeterra. The stream follows Runeterra’s principal concept artist, Chris Campbell, as he draws the character live. We’re extremely excited to see the new concept, since Legends of Runeterra’s art is out of this world gorgeous. But we’re also excited because in the notes for Patch 1.2, which dropped a little while back, it was hinted that this livestream might also give us info about future content coming to Legends of Runeterra.
Could this livestream also reveal the concept for the next expansion pack? Or will it reveal a solo character coming to the game? We have absolutely no idea, but the best way of finding out is by settling down to watch the livestream.
For those that don’t know, Riot Games’ card battler, Legends of Runeterra recently came to mobile, launching at the same time as the expansion pack, Rising Tides. It’s wowed a lot of people, especially us – read our Legends of Runeterra review if you want to know why!
Riot also revealed a new roadmap for Legends of Runeterra today, introducing three new game modes: Labs, Gauntlets, and Events. The video also reveals that Runeterra will get a new region expansion every six months, and new cards every two. Full details can be seen below:
GAUNTLETS ⚔️ LABS ⚗️ EVENTS 🎉 and more are coming to Legends of Runeterra. What are you most excited for?
— Legends of Runeterra (@PlayRuneterra) May 29, 2020
It sounds as if ‘Draw with Riot’ is going to be a regular feature from now on, and these streams are a really great way of learning more about how the game’s concept art is created. But since Runeterra’s art is so beautiful, you really won’t hear us complaining.
If you want to catch the stream, it’s just started, and is happening over on Riot Games’ Twitch channel as we speak. For those reading this later, as with most streams, the video will be available for you to watch after the fact.
You can download Legends of Runeterra on Google Play and the App Store, and if you want some help getting started, be sure to check out our Legends of Runeterra tier list and our Legends of Runterra decks guide.