After announcing a Marvel Snap patch yesterday, Ben Brode of Second Dinner has had to backtrack a little this morning due to an unexpected issue with the update, meaning it won’t now arrive on the intended date but rather at some point in the next week. That doesn’t sound like a long time, but if you’re one of the many struggling with the current meta, it can’t come soon enough.
We don’t know for sure what the balance changes arriving in the game will be, but many are anticipating that one of the most potent cards in the current meta, Leader, will see something of a nerf. The alien overlord’s handy effect of copying your opponent’s played cards means that if you’re already winning at two locations going into the last turn, it’s almost guaranteed that a turn six Leader wraps up the match with no questions asked, leaving whoever is on the receiving end in a stinking mood (not that I’m talking from experience or anything).
It’s not the first time Marvel Snap has introduced some balance changes, with Angela, Mysterio, Sera, and Onslaught back in November. Still, the player base is much bigger now than it was just after launch, so there will be more eyes on the meta movements created by any balance changes to popular cards like Leader.
As well as the upcoming balance patch, there are new cards in the game, like Marvel Snap’s Zabu, and more changes are on the way later this month. Soon, you’ll finally be able to play against friends in battle mode, and there’s a name change mechanic coming too, so you can finally drop the embarrassing username (and that’s coming from schmooper69 – no, really).

With that, you’re up to date on the delay to the upcoming Marvel Snap patch. For more tips and tricks in the heroes and villains card game, check out our picks for the best Marvel Snap decks and our Marvel Snap tier list.