The Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl release date has now been and gone, meaning you’re free to enjoy this adorable Pokémon game on Nintendo Switch right now. If you’re interested in learning more about the remakes, scroll down to learn all about the starters, new features, and legendary Pokémon you can expect to find while playing.
When was the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl release date?
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl release date was November 19, 2021. Nintendo announced them as part of the 25th anniversary event in 2021, with both versions releasing later that year. If you want to know more about the game before you buy, you can read our full Pokémon BDSP review right here on Pocket Tactics.
What features can I expect in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl?
You may wonder what sets Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl apart from the original games, well here are the new features you can expect to encounter:
- Character customization: visit various shops around Sinnoh to pick up snazzy outfits. These will appear on your character in the overworld and battles as well.
- Pokéball stickers: decorate your Pokéballs with stickers that add some extra pizazz to your favorite Pokémon’s entrance into the battle.
- Online communication: the original game had local multiplayer, and now you can play with friends all over the world!
- Super Contest Show: compete in coolness, cuteness, beauty, toughness, and cleverness contests by making your Pokémon dance to the beat in a unique rhythm minigame
- Grand underground area: interact with trainers all over the world as you dig for fossils
- Pokémon follow you: our favorite new feature allows you to bring your favorite Pokémon out of their Pokéball to follow you around the world map!
What’s the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl gameplay like?
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl feature adorable chibi characters in the overworld with more traditional character models used during turn-based combat. Game Freak has said the games are faithful remakes of the originals with the player-friendly conveniences you’ve come to appreciate from the modern Pokémon series.
Is there a Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl trailer?
You can watch the trailer below, which details several new and returning features, including the much-requested return of the Pokétch. While there’s no bottom screen to use it like on the Nintendo DS, this device still looks to be a handy companion on your adventure.

What are the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl starters?
You’ll find the grass-type Turtwig, fire-type Chimchar, and water-type Piplup in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
What are the Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl legendaries?
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond features the steel/dragon-type Pokémon, Dialga, and Shining Pearl has the water/dragon-type, Palkia.
For those of you who also play Go, we recommend taking a look at our Pokémon Go level 50 and Pokémon Go event guides!