If you’re looking for the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Eevee location, you’re in the right place. As much of a staple as Pikachu, Eevee is one of the first many of us seek out in a new Pokémon adventure, so we’ve looked far and wide for where you can find one in Paldea, all you need to do is decide on which Eevee evolution you want to go for.
After a short introduction to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you can explore anywhere you want, and thankfully Eevee isn’t too far away if you know where to look. You can also unlock all of its evolutions so that you will have an Umbreon or Sylveon (the best choices) in no time.
Let’s dive into our Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Eevee guide.
Where do I find Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Eevee?
Outside of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet tera raid battles currently available with different kinds of Eevee, the fluffy little thing is available in the following locations:
- South Province (Area Two)
- West Province (Area Three)
- South Province (Area Five)
The easiest and quickest way to grab an Eeevee early on in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is to head on over to the location of the bug-type gym, Cortondo. This area on the west of the map is very easy to get to from Mesagoza, just leave through the west gate and travel across the main path.
Once you have reached Cortondo, move through the main village and you will see a series of olive trees on the left-hand side. A few Pokémon spawn here like Smoliv, Skwovet, and Diglett, but importantly you can also spot Eevee as a rare spawn. It shouldn’t take too long at all to appear, and in this area, it hovers around level ten to twelve, so pretty easy to catch.
Failing this, you can also find Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Eevee evolutions across the wide region of Paldea. So far we’ve spotted a wild Jolteon on the cliffs near the Bombirdier titan battle, and there’s almost always a Vaporeon swimming in Casseroya Lake.
How do I evolve Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Eevee?
All of the main methods for the Eevee evolutions remain the same in Scarlet and Violet, and most require the use of items that can be bought in stores, or befriending the Pokémon at a certain time of day. You can find them all below.
- Flareon – fire stone
- Vaporeon – water stone
- Jolteon – thunder stone
- Umbreon – increase friendship level at night after level 25
- Espeon – increase friendship level during the day after level 25
- Glaceon – ice stone
- Leafeon – grass stone
- Sylveon – must know one fairy-type move after level 25
Alright, trainers, that’s it for now, and we hope this Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Eevee guide helped you get the Eeveelution of your dreams. If there are other Pokémon you’re desperate to power up, be sure to check out our Pokémon Go Eevee evolution guide next.