Square Enix has shared its financial results for the last nine months of 2022, or the first three quarters of this financial year, depending on how you like to look at it. What they reveal is a decline in sales, with net sales down from 273,627 million JPY to 255,616 million JPY, a 6.6% decrease year-over-year.
This decline affected both its console, MMO, and mobile divisions. While 2022 saw Crisis Core and Dragon Quest Treasures, these releases failed to generate the same earnings as Nier Replicant and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy from the same period the year before.
Meanwhile, the decline in the MMO space is attributed to no expansion release for Final Fantasy XIV. Square’s smart devices/PC browser sub-segment – basically mobile games – saw a decline attributed to the weak performance of existing titles.
You can read the full Square Enix financial results briefing here. Or, check out the trailer for its latest demo, which you can read about in our Theatrhythm Final Bar Line review of the demo.

While the Square Enix financial results show a decline, Monster Hunter Rise sales over at Capcom seem to be going pretty well. We’ve also got news of Roblox revenue 2022 if you want more numbers.