There are a few key differences between Apex Legends Mobile and its console original, and one of the biggest of these is flux. Apex Legends Mobile Flux is a new in-game item, currently exclusive to the mobile title, but what exactly does it do? And where can you find it in-game?
Those are the two big questions we’re here to answer in our comprehensive Apex Legends Mobile flux guide. As fans of the title will know, every item counts in Respawn’s incredibly competitive battle royale title, so if you want to take home the spoils of victory time and time again, you need to get your head around this new item, and how you can use it to give yourself an in-game advantage.
For more on Respawn’s runaway success title, be sure to check out our Apex Legends Mobile tier list, as well as our Apex Legends Mobile download guide for those who still haven’t indulged in some handheld havoc. Or, if you’re still concentrating your efforts on the vanilla game, take a browse through our Apex Legends characters list to catch up on all the most recent arrivals.
What is Apex Legends Mobile flux?
Flux is a new currency for Apex Legends Mobile that essentially replaces the crafting materials from the main game. You can use your flux currency specifically to buy new outfits for your Apex characters from the store, found in the crafting menu. As you find out on opening the menu, you need a good amount of flux to afford anything here, with prices ranging from 5k to 20k flux per item.
How do I spend Apex Legends Mobile flux?
You can spend your Apex Legends Mobile flux by heading to the in-game store, and then selecting the crafting menu. Instead of putting together the redeemable outfits bit by bit, here you can purchase a completed ensemble, with a bunch of funky and unique looks for the classic Apex characters included.
How do I get Apex Legends Mobile flux?
There are a few methods for obtaining Apex Legends flux, so take a browse below and keep them all in mind when you next log in.
Daily log in rewards
Each day you get different rewards just for logging into Apex Legends Mobile, and wouldn’t you believe it, but a helping of flux is one of those bonuses. So, be sure to check in each day so that you never miss a helpful freebie.
Battle pass
As in most free-to-plays, Apex Legends Mobile has both a free and paid-for battle pass system that hands out goodies for each rank you acquire. Of course, to get the most flux out of this you need the paid-for pass, but that doesn’t mean you won’t still get the occasional handout with the free version.
Special events
As well as daily login rewards, Respawn updates Apex Legends Mobile with daily, or weekly, challenges that you can take part in to get some extra flux. Of course, flux isn’t the only prize for completing these events, but it’s worth doing for the other goodies you might pick up too.
Warehouse disassembly
Finally, if you’re lacking that little bit of flux you need to afford a new get-up, you can disassemble old items in the warehouse menu to churn out extra currency. Of course, it’s a bit of a last resort as you have to give up items you already own, but if there’s something, in particular, you want to get hold of, it might be worth it.
There you have it, all you need to know about Apex Legends Mobile flux, the exclusive currency you need to give Bloodhound a bold new look. For more best of the bunch bullet battlers, be sure to check out our picks for the best battle royale games you can play right now.