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Neon Genesis Evangelion composer to direct the Genshin concert

Hoyoverse has announced the fresh Genshin concert Melodies of an Endless Journey featuring musical talents from all over the world, including Shiro Sagisu

Genshin Impact concert art featuring Barbara, Kazuha, Yun Jin, and Yae Miko playing instruments

If there’s one thing all Genshin Impact fans can agree on, it’s the fact that the game’s OST is an absolute work of art. From the soft melodies of Mondstadt to the chaotic strings of Inazuma, the wonderfully talented musicians truly know how to capture the vibe and never fail to get us hyped. And, with the recent addition of the sublime Sumeru soundtrack, the wonderful feast for your ears has only grown.

To celebrate, Hoyoverse announced that it is continuing its super popular Genshin live music series in the coming days with the Melodies of an Endless Journey global online concert. And, even better, Genshin Impact and Hoyo-Mix have come together to invite legendary music producer Shiro Sagisu to act as music director, along with a host of global musicians to play a collection of tracks in both their original and adapted forms.

Sagisu is a world-renowned composer and producer known for his work on the iconic Neon Genesis Evangelion soundtrack. For this exciting event, he has reimagined multiple Genshin soundtracks with global bands and musicians to bring a fresh twist to the music we all know and love. The original music is to be performed by the Hollywood Chamber Orchestra conducted by Irish conductor Eimear Noone, uniting talented people from all over the world as we take a journey through the first two years of Teyvat’s stunning musical landscape.

When is the Genshin concert?

The Melodies of an Endless Journey concert is set to go live on October 2, 2022, on the official Genshin Impact Youtube channel. Check out the trailer below to get a sneak peek.

YouTube Thumbnail

Of course, with the second Genshin Impact anniversary having just passed and the arrival of version 3.1 and the Sumeru desert, there’s plenty more to be excited about. From the standard banner changing, to getting a free copy of Genshin Impact’s Collei as a permanent Spiral Abyss reward. Check out our Genshin Impact events guide to find out more.