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No need for Amortentia this Valentine’s Day in Hogwarts Mystery

The Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Valentine’s Day event is your chance to experience your first-ever kiss in this magical mobile game.

A blonde-haired girl in a denim jacket and yellow skirt walking towards a boy in blue wooly jumper with a love heart between them

You can put the Amortentia away and feel true love in the Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Valentine’s Day event. Romance isn’t new to the mobile game, with players being able to go on dates with their fellow students since the introduction of the feature in 2019, because going on romantic outings and forming a teenage love is a quintessential part of being, well, a teenager.

However, things are different this year, as you need to go “Beyond Hogwarts” if you want to be part of the dating game in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery this year. In case you’re not familiar with what that means, Beyond Hogwarts is a storyline that you can’t access until you complete your seven years at the school, ending your time as a student. Yes, that means this plot is all about adulting – we know. Eww.

Still, this year, you get to experience your first Valentine’s Day as an adult in this wizarding world, though that’s not even the best part. For all the dates you went on as a student, for all the times you were ready to share that special kiss, you finally can and have your first-ever kiss in Hogwarts Mystery. Aww, this has us feeling all mushy because why shouldn’t you be able to find love in Harry Potter games?

However, things aren’t exactly smooth sailing, as you need to save your special someone after a mysterious spell afflicts them. You need to break this love curse and show them who they should truly be with. This is especially difficult when you need to balance your love life with your professional life. You have a big case to crack, thanks to a missing cursed quill, so it’s all going on.

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For all your troubles, you get some great rewards from the romance-themed events all throughout the month. Naturally, some of the goodies you get center on love, too. Then, as if you don’t feel special enough already, there’s an update to the Magical Creatures Exhibitions, including new narrative-based interactions, and let’s be honest, who can get enough of spending time with these magical animals?

If you’re one of those people who goes ‘blech, feelings,’ we hear you, which is why we recommend that you lose yourself in some action games, or maybe even horror games, if love season is really spooky season for you.