The Mobile Gaming Awards, also known as the Mobies, makes a triumphant return after its inaugural ceremony in 2023, ready to dish out even more awards to celebrate the best that the mobile gaming space has to offer. For UK fans, things are much closer to home this year, as rather than staying in Los Angeles, The Mobies is in London this year.
Mobies nominees from last year include Call of Duty: Mobile, Supercell, Marvel Snap, Garena, Second Dinner, and Pocket Tactics. These nominees are spread across a range of categories, such as Mobile Game of the Year, Developer of the Year, and Coverage Platform of the Year. The team at PT is still honored to have been up for the coverage award.
In 2023, more than 1.9m of you tuned in to watch the show across nine platforms, with 1.5m of you casting your votes, and we have no doubt that the awards show will have a similar success this year especially as it comes to you from the team behind the Esports Awards, a ceremony that draws in more than 20m viewers every year.
“We’re thrilled to announce the return of the Mobies for its second ceremony, this time set to take place in the gaming capital of the UK, London. Last year was such an exciting time, working with brilliant minds to bring the first Mobies ceremony to life,” says Mobies co-founder Matt Rutledge.
“In a world where the mobile industry continues to shape our daily lives, it’s crucial to honor those driving the industry’s innovation and progress. As we gear up for another unforgettable night, we’re eager to celebrate the remarkable achievements of the individuals, teams, and organizations that have propelled this rapidly evolving industry forward.”
Who knows what nominees we may see this year, though we suspect TGA 2023 nominees Honkai Star Rail and Hello Kitty: Island Adventure might. What we do know is that there are new categories this year, and we’ll be sure to share more with you as soon as we have some information.
If you want to see what we consider to be the best that mobile has to offer, check out our best mobile RPGs, best mobile shooters, and best mobile racing games lists.