Good news, trainers – Shadow Pokémon are appearing in special raids for the first time ever in Pokémon Go. These gloomy guys appear as part of a special event in Season ten this month.
Team Go Rocket has some plans up its sleeve to finish off the season in style. Many of our local Pokémon Go gyms are seized by Rocket team members, with their strong Shadow Pokémon hiding within for players to raid against. These ‘mon appear in all raid tiers, so all players can get involved, no matter what their level is.
The event lasts for a few days, so we’ve got plenty of time to jump into the battles and snag ourselves some shadowy Pokémon. The Rising Shadows event begins on May 22, 2023 – not long to wait!
The Pokémon Go Shadow Raid bosses have some tricks of their own – they become enraged during battle, meaning their attack and defence gets a hefty boost. But that’s ok, by teaming up with fellow Trainers and holding your own, you can beat down these big bad enemies.
Raid bosses become subdued if you and your team use purified gems, a new item just for these raids. How do you get them, you ask? Easy – simply collect shadow shards and use them to create the gems at Professor Willow’s brand-spanking new invention, the Shard Refiner.
These purified gems lower the attack and defence of the enraged raid bosses, giving you and your team an edge to strike. Plus, if you use more than one, the effects stack up, allowing for even more of a boost.
To keep on top of all the latest challenges, head over to our Pokémon Go raids guides. Or, for more Pokémon-themed goodness, check out these Pokémon Unite codes and the current Pokémon Go promo codes for some free items.