With the imminent arrival of Pokémon Legends: Arceus, many fans of the iconic Nintendo franchise are rediscovering their passion for collecting and battling their favourite pocket monsters. If you find yourself dusting off your ring binder full of Pokémon trading cards, you may be pleased to hear that the bumper Pokémon Sword & Shield Fusion Strike booster boxes are now 55% off, bringing the price down to $93.98.
For those who haven’t bought any Pokémon cards in years, or perhaps regretfully sold their childhood collection, a booster box is a great way to refill your albums. Not only will you get 260 regular cards, but also 20 powerful V cards, eight extra-large VMAX cards and 20 Fusion Strike cards, which have unique abilities.
The Fusion Strike expansion contains a number of iconic Pokémon, so whichever era you’re a fan of, you’re almost certain to get a bunch of your favourites. Some of the characters features include the iconic Smash Bros. fighters, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Lucario, and Greninja; the cute Gen VII ghost, Chandelure; Genesect, the cybernetically augmented fossilised bug from Gen V; Gen II’s beloved psychic eeveelution, Espeon; and multiple other fan favourites from the long-running game series.
Whether you enjoy the subtle nuances of the game, or just love to collect cards for the iconic artwork, Pokémon TCG has a very broad appeal. If you’ve always wanted to start collecting, this seems like a great opportunity for you to dive right into this world.
If you’re looking for more ways to crave your hunger for all things Pokémon-related, check out our article on everything we know about Pokémon Legends: Arceus so far. Also, for fans of Pokémon TCG, have a read of our article about Pokémon Trading Card Game Live, a game whose open beta will be available on smart devices later this year.