The Rainbow Six Siege closed beta has been underway for quite some time now, namely in India, where the development team set up an extra server due to Rainbow Six Mobile’s popularity in the country. Well, it’s finally time for players in Europe to join the fight too, though it’s still just for Android players.
Currently, there are Rainbow Six Mobile closed beta Europe invitations for potential soldiers in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. If you’re one of the lucky players to receive an invite, you can find it via Google Play in your notifications, according to a recent tweet from the Official Rainbow Six Mobile Twitter account.
As the game is still in its closed beta phase, you need to remember that what you see in Rainbow Six Mobile right now might not represent the final product. It’s also important to note the content you can access in the testing period is on the smaller side, with more game modes, operators, and weapons to come as part of the full release.
How do I sign up for the Rainbow Six Mobile closed beta?
If you want to register for a chance to be in the Rainbow Six Mobile beta, you can sign up via the official website. Don’t worry if you don’t get in, as we’ll let you know when the open beta begins.
Should you need something else to play, our best mobile shooters can help you to keep your gun skills sharp.