There’s a lot of content in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, and it can be a tad daunting figuring out what tasks to prioritise on your first few days in town. If you’re in need of a little help, read on for some handy tips and tricks to get started.
With help from our Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town guide, you will soon gather materials, make repairs, and tame chickens as though you’ve been farming your entire life. We will also help you build friendships with other villagers and run you through the different difficulty choices.
If you’re looking for more content like this, take a look at our Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town bachelor and bachelorette guide. For those of you who want something else to play, we’ve got a list full of the best Switch RPGs. You can also keep up to date with all the upcoming releases by bookmarking our list of the biggest new Switch games.
What difficulty should I choose?
At the start of the game, you need to choose between seedling and normal mode. You can switch difficulty at any time during play if you’re having trouble. For those of you looking for a more chilled-out experience, choose seedling mode for faster friendship gains, slower stamina decrease, and much more.
Is there any difference between the gender options?
There are no major differences between the two genders, so choose the one you prefer. The only thing that will change is if you choose to marry a villager of the same gender, the ceremony will be called a Rite Of Friendship rather than marriage.
What should I do when I first start?
On your first day, we recommend gathering a good stock of lumber from around your farm and ore from the nearby cave. You will also encounter a broken chicken coop to the west of your farm. Make sure you fix it when you have enough materials to obtain daily eggs from tamed chickens.
If you have some spare time, speak to villagers around town to raise your friendship level and get some extra tools. Make sure you keep an eye on your stamina, as if you run out before falling asleep, or stay up till 2am, you’ll be penalised the next day by waking up at 10am with half stamina.
What’s the best way to raise friendship level?
You can increase your friendship level once a day by talking to and providing a gift to your favourite villagers. If you give a gift to a villager on their birthday, you will receive double the friendship points!
How do I obtain new tools?
There are nine different tools for you to use. Here’s a handy table to help you obtain them:
Tool | How to obtain |
Axe | Given to you on the first day by the mayor |
Hammer | Given to you on the first day by the mayor |
Sickle | Given to you on the first day by the mayor |
Hoe | Given to you on the second day by the mayor |
Watering Can | Given to you on the second day by the mayor |
Bucket | Given to you by Clemens after the first day of rain |
Camera | Gloria will give you this item when you first visit the museum |
Fishing Rod | Manuela will give you this item when you first visit Marcos’s House |
Leash | Patricia will give you this item when you first visit the Animal Shop |
There you have it – everything you need to get started in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. If you’re looking for help with other games like this, check out our Terraria NPCs and Terraria bosses guides.