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All Subway Surfers characters

Here are all the Subway Surfers characters and skins currently in the game, from Jake and Tricky to aliens, robots, and crash test dummies.

Subway Surfers characters

The list of Subway Surfers characters has expanded way beyond the original core crew of Jake and his gang, with new additions from all over the world, and even outer space, filling out the roster. So, allow us to introduce you to the Subway Surfers crew and all the outfits you can collect in the game.

If you’re on a mission to become a top surfer, check out our Subway Surfers download guides and Subway Surfers codes. We’ve also got lists of the best casual games and the best mobile platformers if you’re on the hunt for more fun.

Here are the main Subway Surfers characters:

Subway Surfers characters from the core crew

Subway Surfers Jake

Described as the ‘leader and spirit’ of the Subway Surfers, Jake is confident, personable, and charming, but can sometimes be reckless. He’s a restless soul who’s always dreaming of the next cool thing to do.


  • Core crew
  • Dark outfit
  • Star outfit

Subway Surfers Tricky

Tricky’s a great friend to everyone in the Subway Surfers crew but isn’t the best at following orders. She’s the brainiest of the bunch and strives for perfection in everything she does, especially when it comes to breakdancing and her awesome skate tricks.


  • Core crew
  • Heart outfit
  • Camo outfit

Subway Surfers Fresh

A big fan of all things 80s-themed, Fresh is a highly intelligent and perceptive musician, though he does most of his talking through his boombox. He’s thoughtful and philosophical but can be a bit cynical. Either way, he’s the glue that holds the gang together.


  • Core crew
  • Funk outfit
  • Sport outfit

Subway Surfers Yutani

A tech genius with a passion for science, Yutani is wildly imaginative and loves nothing more than coming up with contractions that have never been seen before. She believes she may not even be from Earth – and the other surfers find this plausible.


  • Core crew
  • Gadget outfit

A group of Subway Surfers characters

Other Subway Surfers characters

Outside of the main Subway Surfers crew, there’s a massive cast of diverse characters to collect, with outfits and designs inspired by a huge variety of cultures. Here are all the other Subway Surfers characters in the game, their alternate outfits, and their favourite boards.

Subway Surfers character Alternate outfits Favourite Board
Super Runner Jake 10th birthday special Super runner board
Lucy Goth, steam Star Board
Spike Punk, rock Hot Rod
Tagbot Space, toy Teleporter
Ninja Flame, ninja Daredevil
Tasha Gym, cheer Sunset
Frank Clown, tiger Bouncer
King Count, royal Superhero
Zoe Curly, biker Monster
Ella Gold, rasta Lowrider
Brody Chill, posh Wave
Prince K Shine, jag Windglider
Dino N/A Star Board
Zombie Jake N/A Phantom
Elf Tricky Elf Jingles
Tony Folk, game Liberty
Carmen Shake, team Birdie
Roberto Fan Kick-off
Kim Coast, dive Ray
Harumi Fury, meow Kitty
Coco Jester, art Rose
Sun Spot Panda
Alex N/A Teddy
Eddy Trick Pumpkin
Jamie N/A Snowflake
Jay Blue, colour master Colour cloud
Mina Pop, Robo Bubblegum
Rosa Fox Prickly
Olivia Skate Moose
Edison Urban Banana
Wayne Knight, chief Cruiser
Jasmine Safari, ankh Croc
Buddy Candy, sunny Choo choo
Noon Pink Turtle
Rex Show, win Roller
Izzy Aloha, laki Tiki
Amira Jewel, genie Old dusty
Marco Mask. noble Gondola
Nikos Hero Thunderbolt
Zuri City Mask
Mike Howl, jager Hexed
Jenny Party, Pixel outfit Groovy, pixel heart
Jaro Joker Jouster
Aina Daisy Chameleon
Carlos Inca, poncho Tumi
Jia Wild, unicorn Lion
Bjarki Power outfit Big blue
Ramona Pina Chrome
Lauren Tally Eagle
Malik N/A Glacier
Jolien N/A Pedal
Philip Race Speeder
Freya Viking Copenhagen
Salma Nomad Cobra
Lee Silk Rickshaw
Diego Flamenco Mosaic
Manny Mariachi Casket
E.Z. Touchdown Hot dog
Dylan Lifeguard Renegade
Alicia N/A Scratchy
Miss Maia N/A Pixel heart
Hugo N/A Clockwork
Rabbot N/A Clockwork
Rin N/A Bubble gum
Kareem Silk Desert racer
Kick Speed, neon Flamingo
Diego Chivalry Stallion
Alex N/A Leaf
Manny N/A Hexed
Alba N/A Spacecruiser
Monkbot N/A Aero
Sofia Tango outfit Roto
The Scream Team Halloween Beelzebook
Andy Seattle surfer Pixel heart
Nicolai St. Petersberg surfer, faux fur Sleigh
Frankette & Spacebot Space surfer Endeavour, discovery, & secret society
Rat & Ox Special surfer Crane
Zayn Berlin surfer Buddy bear
Lana & Darryl New York surfer Uprock
Bonnie Oxford surfer Bunny
Buzz Houston surfer Shuttle
Trym Copenhagen surfer Viking
Pride Crew Special surfer Dragon Board
Alexandre Special surfer Paint palette
Akira Special surfer Sakura
Koral Fan-tastic! Beach
Cleo Be kind! Queen of hearts
Taha Marrakesh surfer Camel
Bob the Blob Fan special Torito
Mala Vancouver special Maple leaf
Phoenix Venice Beach surfer Venice Beach board
Clementine North Pole surfer Ginger boom
Hasina Cairo surfer Atomic tile
Tiger Lunar surfer Astronave
Charlie Barcelona surfer Astronave
Pink Vancouver special Spring board
George Oxford surfer Rolls rabbit
Dummy Monaco surfer Crash test

That’s it for our Subway Surfer characters guide. New surfers are skating into the game all the time, so we’ll be sure to update if any fresh faces show up. In the meantime, check out our list of the best mobile games for even more titles to peruse.