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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tier list

Find out which Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character is best with our tier list, up to date for version 13.0.1, unfortunately for us, it's not Kirby.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate tier list - Mythra and Pyra looking into the camera

The Super Smash Bros Ultimate tier list is a hotly debated topic amongst the fighting game community. Many players believe the character they main is the greatest, and don’t take criticism lightly. In an attempt to help new or unsure players, we have put together a comprehensive list to help them decide who they may want to try out.

Tier lists are used to gauge whether a character is viable for competitive play. Our Smash Bros tier list has taken many factors into account, from the character’s individual strengths and weaknesses to their current performance in tournaments. Each character is ordered alphabetically within its tier, and positions on the list are subject to change fairly frequently.

Now, let’s get into our Smash Bros tier list.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tier list

Tier Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character
S Daisy, Joker, Lucina, Minecraft Steve, Palutena, Peach, Pikachu, Shulk, Snake, Zero Suit Samus
A Chrom, Fox, Greninja, Inkling, Kazuya, Mario, Mr. Game & Watch, Olimar, Pokémon Trainer, Pyra/Mythra, R.O.B., Roy, Sora, Wario, Wolf, Young Link
B Captain Falcon, Cloud, Dark Samus, Diddy Kong, Falco, Ike, Ken, Link, Marth, Mega Man, Mii Fighter (Brawler), Min Min, Ness, Pac-Man, Pichu, Rosalina, Ryu, Samus, Sephiroth, Sheik, Sonic, Terry, Yoshi
C Banjo-Kazooie, Bayonetta, Bowser, Byleth, Corrin, Dark Pit, Duck Hunt Duo, Hero, Jigglypuff, Kirby, Lucario, Lucas, Luigi, Meta Knight, Mewtwo, Mii Fighter (Gunner), Pit, Richter, Ridley, Robin, Simon, Toon Link, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Zelda
D Bowser Jr., Donkey Kong, Dr. Mario, Ice Climbers, Incineroar, Isabelle, Ganondorf, King Dedede, King K. Rool, Little Mac, Mii Fighter (Swordfighter), Piranha Plant

Now, here’s a quick rundown on each of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate characters.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate character list

Smash Bros tier list - Super Smash Bros Ultimate's Sora wielding his keyblade


  • Sora is a light fighter with the ability to recover with ease. He can use three different kinds of magic, and has a powerful final smash.

Smash Bros tier list - Super Smash Bros Ultimate's Kazuya without a shirt on


  • Kazuya has the ability to perform some impressive combos and take down enemies with ease.

Smash Bros tier list - Mythra and Pyra looking into the camera


  • This two-in-one fighter allows you to harness the power of fire and light.

Smash Bros tier list - Pikachu wearing a hat waving at you


  • Pikachu has great recovery and excels at edgeguarding. Unfortunately, it can die easily if you are not careful.

Smash Bros tier list - Peach creating a rainbow above her head


  • Peach uses powerful airborne kicks and has a lethal down special. Peach has amazing combos and versatile projectiles.

Smash Bros tier list - Daisy jumping into the air with sparkles at her feet


  • Daisy has a move set identical to Peach. But she brings her own personality to battle that players love.

Smash Bros tier list - Snake hiding under a cardboard box


  • Snake has a ranged fighting style and his hits are powerful. He is hard to master and can be comboed easily.

Smash Bros tier list - Palutena shooting a beam from her staff


  • Palutena’s move set is easy to master, and she has some fantastic aerial moves. If enemies get too close she can struggle to regain the high ground.

Smash Bros tier list - Joker with his persona behind him with their arms raised


  • Joker is good for players with a solid understanding of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He has good recovery and is extremely fast

Smash Bros tier list - a close up of Lucina looking to the left


  • Lucina is Marth’s Echo Fighter, but her attack range is much stronger. She moves very fast but struggles against enemy projectiles

Smash Bros tier list - Roy guarding himself with his sword


  • Roy’s melee kill power is second to none, and he has great speed. Unfortunately, he has poor recovery and no kill throws.

Smash Bros tier list - Zero Suit Samus wielding a futuristic gun

Zero Suit Samus

  • Zero Suit Samus has excellent mobility and deals a lot of damage. She has subpar recovery and is easy to kill.

Smash Bros tier list - Shulk holding his sword, the Monado, above his head


  • Shulk is a good all-rounder with his Monado arts and his playstyle is very different from other characters. He is incredibly hard to master.

Smash Bros tier list - Fox holding Jigglypuff up in the air


  • Fox is great at starting and finishing fights with his outstanding speed. He can be hard for new players to master.

Smash Bros tier list - Shadow Young Link falling in front of a full moon with his sword raised

Young Link

  • Young Link has some awesome projectiles and does high damage. He can struggle to regain control of a battle after being hit.

Smash Bros tier list - Chrom with a serious face in front of a Chinese pagoda


  • Chrom has a long reach and super-fast attacks, and his defence is above average. The main downside to this character is his poor recovery.

Smash Bros tier list - Mr. Game & Watch flipping a fish in a pan

Mr. Game & Watch

  • Mr. Game & Watch has some solid defence and great kill setups. The main downside to Mr. Game & Watch is his poor range.

Smash Bros tier list - A female inkling with her back to the camera


  • The Inkling is a very balanced character, it is hard to hit and does great damage. The Inkling move set is very hard to learn and master.

Smash Bros tier list - Three R.O.B. against a grey and white checkered background


  • R.O.B. has some very strong projectile options and fantastic recovery. Many of his attacks are slow to use.

Smash Bros tier list - Olimar flying through the sky with five Pikmin in tow


  • Olimar is particularly strong while aerial. though his Pikmin pals are very cute, he struggles when they are gone.

Smash Bros tier list - Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard launching themselves across an arena

Pokémon Trainer

  • The Pokémon Trainer is very versatile and is able to use Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard. All three have generally powerful attacks but lack defence.

Smash Bros tier list - Mega Man and his Mega Dog ready to fight

Mega Man

  • Mega Man has the use of more projectiles than any other character and is great at interruptions. He is relatively easy to combo.

Smash Bros tier list - Cloud slashing his sword through the air, leaving behind a green beam


  • Cloud has an amazing limit which provides speed and combo power. His defence and recovery are average.

Smash Bros tier list - Sephiroth and Cloud fighting in front of the SHINRA building


  • Sephiroth is a light-weight fighter, much like Kirby. He has above-average running speed and great range due to his ridiculously long sword. Unfortunately for Sephiroth, he is extremely fragile, and his special attacks can feel predictable.

Smash Bros tier list - Mario in a fighting pose with a serious expression on his face


  • Mario has great recovery and is perfect for new players. He lacks kill power and hasn’t performed well in tournaments recently.

Smash Bros tier list - Wolf kneeling next to a happy Nintendog


  • Wolf has great range and kill options, his final smash is an all-out attack from Team Star Wolf. His recovery is a weak spot.

Smash Bros tier list - Greninja kicking in front of a full moon


  • Greninja has amazing speed, great aerial moves, and is hard to hit. It hasn’t had great luck during recent tournaments.

Smash Bros tier list - Link raising a glowing blue sword above his head


  • Link has good all-around stats and some fun projectiles. He can be hard for new players to master.

Smash Bros tier list - Kirby jumping out of the way of Yoshi's tongue


  • Yoshi has strong aerial skills and is difficult to KO, he has some very cute egg-related moves. His grabs can be ineffective.

Smash Bros tier list - Ness throwing a yoyo at high speeds


  • Ness is known for his powerful throws and long-range moves. His basic move set is easy to grasp but to truly master Nes will take some time.

Smash Bros tier list - Ike slashing at a poof of pink smoke


  • Ike has extremely powerful attacks and excels in the air. He is very slow and has a weak defence that leaves him open after attacking.

Smash Bros tier list - Sonic running across the screen


  • Sonic is obviously known for his speed! He is very hard to hit and has good recovery. His moves are relatively weak and he is very lightweight.

Smash Bros tier list - Wii Fit Trainer dodging a blast from Fox's gun

Wii Fit Trainer

  • The Wii Fit Trainer has middling stats and some helpful yoga poses. They lack decent defence.

Smash Bros tier list - Ryu blasting Pichu with magic from his hands


  • Ryu has good combos and can take enemies down quickly. He has poor recovery and any hesitation leaves him open.

Smash Bros tier list - Ken upper cutting King K. Rool while Donkey Kong watches on


  • Ken is Ryu’s Echo Fighter. He has slightly better kill power than Ryu but is generally very similar.

Smash Bros tier list - Terry leaping into the air in the middle of an arena


  • Terry has powerful special moves and is lethal on the ground. He is very slow and has issues being airborne.

Smash Bros tier list - Pichu lying on the ground laughing


  • Pichu is very fast and has lots of combos. It’s very easy to kill and damages itself with electric attacks.

Smash Bros tier list - Falco launching himself into the air with the fields of Hyrule in the background


  • Falco is great aerially, he has good speed and recovery. Falco is very hard to master, so not recommended for new players.

Smash Bros tier list - Marth launching himself forward with a glowing sword


  • Marth has a long reach and the tip of his sword does the most damage, he has great recovery.

Smash Bros tier list - Lucas pointing towards a glowing rhombus


  • Lucas fights in a similar way to Ness. He has powerful throws and good speed. He has fewer moves than Ness.

Smash Bros tier list - Toon Link being chased by a chicken

Toon Link

  • Toon Link is smaller and faster than Link, with fun melee moves. He does mediocre damage and is easier to kill than Link.

Smash Bros tier list - Ridley looking menacing atop a city building


  • Ridley has powerful smash attacks and good projectiles. It is extremely slow and easy to kill.

Smash Bros tier list - Hero from Dragon Quest shooting fire out of his hand


  • Hero has one-hit KO moves and great kill power. His MP can leave you at a disadvantage and unable to recover.

Smash Bros tier list - Lucario shooting a blue beam from its hands


  • Lucario’s power increases as it takes damage and it has some strong projectiles. It has slow speed and lacks range.

Smash Bros tier list - Wario with both hands raised showing three fingers


  • Wario has high stats and is good for players with a solid knowledge of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Not often used competitively.

Smash Bros tier list - Pac-Man winking with his thumb up


  • Pac-man has a fun, unique move set, and some good combos. He is slow, so will struggle against speedy characters.

Smash Bros tier list - Samus fighting a giant brain with an eyeball


  • Samus uses handy projectiles to take down enemies and has strong attacks. She is relatively slow and has trouble knocking enemies out.

Smash Bros tier list - Dark Samus kneeling on the wing of a plane

Dark Samus

  • Dark Samus is Samus’ Echo Fighter, so he has the same stats. Dark Samus has floatier movement than Samus and doesn’t roll when dodging or jumping

Smash Bros tier list - Captain Falcon kneeling in the middle of the boxing ring

Captain Falcon

  • Captain Falcon is fast and hard-hitting. His combos are tough to master.

Smash Bros tier list - Bowser clutching his fist


  • Bowser is a slow-moving powerhouse. What he lacks in speed he makes up for in hard-hitting specials.

Smash Bros tier list - Sheik with flames dancing around her


  • Sheik has excellent speed and dashes at enemies. She doesn’t have much kill power and is low weight.

Smash Bros tier list - Zelda with her hand against her cheek


  • Zelda has an amazing Final Smash that will instantly KO any enemy with 100% damage. She doesn’t deal much damage and has slow attacks.

Smash Bros tier list - Diddy Kong kicking Kirby in the face

Diddy Kong

  • Diddy Kong uses his light weight to get around quickly. He has average recovery and mediocre stats.

Smash Bros tier list - Three different Duck Hunt duos sitting on a dusty path

Duck Hunt Duo

  • The duo excels in long-range combat and has good recovery. They don’t have many KO options and are challenging to master.

Smash Bros tier list - Min Min grasping a ledge with her long arms

Min Min

  • Min Min has the best physical range in the game and outstanding kill power. She lacks recovery options.

Smash Bros tier list - Luigi stroking his moustache against the northern lights


  • Luigi can jump higher than his brother, Mario, and has some good grabs. He has low speed and mediocre stats.

Smash Bros tier list - Meta Knight flying in front of a full moon

Meta Knight

  • Meta Knight has extreme speed and can perform five midair jumps. He is very lightweight and has not performed well in tournaments recently.

Smash Bros tier list - Pit sitting on a carriage pulled by two unicorns


  • Pit is a balanced character with a defensive special. He is straightforward for new players to learn, but doesn’t excel in any area.

Smash Bros tier list - Dark Pit pointing his sword off screen

Dark Pit

  • Dark Pit is Pit’s Echo Fighter, so he has the same stats. He summons different weapons and has a slightly different move set.

Smash Bros tier list - A male and female villager dancing next to each other


  • Villager uses some fun projectiles and has good kill power. It lacks high stats in every area.

Smash Bros tier list - Rosalina and Luma casting magic in front of the northern lights

Rosalina & Luma

  • Rosalina & Luma can have two hitboxes and are great aerially. Rosalina is no good once Luma has died, and it dies frequently.

Smash Bros tier list - Robin casting fire magic from his spell book


  • Robin is fantastic at ranged attacks and has good recovery. He can quickly run out of projectiles which is a great hindrance in battle.

Smash Bros tier list - Corrin with bunny ears falling in front of a full moon


  • Corrin has lots of kill options but doesn’t deal a lot of damage. They have relatively middling stats.

Smash Bros tier list - Bayonetta aiming her two guns in front of her face


  • Bayonetta is a combo master and is great aerially. She has very little kill power and low recovery.

Smash Bros tier list - Donkey Kong raising his fist in the forest

Donkey Kong

  • Donkey Kong’s charged punch is one of the strongest attacks in the game. He is very slow and lacks recovery. 

Smash Bros tier list - A Mii Brawler upside down on a treasure chest

Mii Brawler

  • Mii Brawler has good kill power and is easy for players to learn. They have reasonably low stats all around.

Smash Bros tier list - Male and female Byleth looking serious in an arena


  • Byleth does a lot of damage and great recovery. They are pretty slow and have laggy moves.

Smash Bros tier list - Mewtwo with a glowing purple ball in his left hand


  • Mewtwo has mostly above average stats and a strong aerial game. It lacks weight and has low defence.

Smash Bros tier list - Simon holding a flask of holy water while Young Link drinks milk


  • Simon has mostly above average stats but low speed and recovery. He is known for his projectiles.

Smash Bros tier list - Richter kneeing Lucas in the face


  • Richter is Simon’s Echo Fighter, so has the same stats. His basic attacks are also the same, but his holy water is a different colour.

Smash Bros tier list - Three different Isabelle flying by on a swing held by balloons


  • Isabelle is precious and must be protected at all costs. She has below average stats.

Smash Bros tier list - Kazooie on Banjo's back shooting an egg out of her mouth


  • Banjo-Kazooie is like Duck Hunt Duo but more fun to play. They have mostly above average stats and are suitable for players that are well versed in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Smash Bros tier list - Incineroar holding up a Pichu and a Pikachu while surrounded by even more Pikachu and Pichu


  • Incineroar is easy for new players to learn and has a high attack. It is extremely slow and has very poor recovery.

Smash Bros tier list - Four Minecraft characters running across an arena

Minecraft Steve

  • Minecraft Steve mines the stage for resources and then uses them in battle. He has a high attack power but is pretty slow and clunky to play as.

Smash Bros tier list - Kirby dressed as Sephiroth slashing a tiny sword


  • Kirby is my favourite pink blob, and its low rank saddens me. It has incredible recovery, but every other stat is extremely low. It’s SS rank in the hearts of the people though.

Smash Bros tier list - Kirby and Jigglypuff rolling past the screen


  • Jigglypuff is essentially just Pokémon Kirby. It has great recovery but generally low stats other than that.

Smash Bros tier list - Ice Climbers waving their arms in the air

Ice Climbers

  • The Ice Climbers have middling stats, and they struggle to recover if you knock one of them off the screen.

Smash Bros tier list - Kirby and King Dedede relaxing next to a tree

King Dedede

  • King Dedede is like a tall, slow Kirby. He has mostly high stats, but his slow movement and attacks greatly lower his rank.

Smash Bros tier list - Bowser Jr saluting from his hovercraft

Bowser Jr.

  • Bowser Jr. has some of the lowest stats around, but he is easy for new players to learn and has a cute face.

Smash Bros tier list - Two King K. Rool jumping in the arena

King K. Rool

  • King K. Rool is an absolute unit. He has powerful attacks and awesome KO potential. Unfortunately, he is very slow and has poor recovery.

Smash Bros tier list - Jigglypuff putting Piranha Plant to sleep with its song

Piranha Plant

  • Piranha Plant is interesting to play as and has surprisingly strong attacks. It is very slow, and it can be difficult to land its moves.

Smash Bros tier list - Mii Swordfighter slashing through an Animal Crossing villager

Mii Sword Fighter

  • Mii Sword Fighter has higher stats than Mii Gunner and Mii Brawler but is less fun to play than the Mii Brawler.

Smash Bros tier list - Mii Gunner shooting Luigi

Mii Gunner

  • Mii Gunner has fairly low stats, and there are many better options for a projectile using character.

Smash Bros tier list - Dr Mario running towards Link with a purple fairy in a bottle

Dr. Mario

  • Dr Mario has average stats with low speed and recovery. Players generally prefer standard Mario.

Smash Bros tier list - Ganondorf with an outstretched palm standing in the arena


  • Ganondorf has high attack and kill power. He’s incredibly slow, has low defence, and poor recovery.

Smash Bros tier list - Little Mac powering up a punch with bright blue light

Little Mac

  • Little Mac is very easy for new players to learn and has alright speed and attack. His recovery is the worst in the game, and the rest of his stats aren’t much better.

We also have an in-depth League of Legends: Wild Rift tier listGenshin Impact tier list, and AFK Arena tier list just in case you want to learn more about those titles.