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Cookie Run Kingdom toppings guide

Equipping your cookie pals with these Cookie Run Kingdom toppings makes them even more delicious. Find out how to equip, upgrade, and farm them here

Cookie Run Kingdom toppings - a group of cookies ready for battle

Cookies may be delicious, but they’re always better with toppings, right? Well, in this Cookie Run Kingdom toppings guide we take you on a tour of all the tasty treats you can equip your cookie pals with, the effects they offer, how to farm and upgrade them, and the best topping combinations for each cookie type.

If you’re trying to work out which cookies to apply toppings to, check out our full list of Cookie Run Kingdom characters, or our Cookie Run Kingdom tier list. We’ve also got a bunch of other fresh treats cooking in our Cookie Run Kingdom codes guide – grab ‘em while they’re hot.

What are Cookie Run Kingdom toppings?

Cookie Run Kingdom toppings are a type of equipable item that provide your cookies with special benefits and buffs. They’re an important ingredient in any delicious cookie recipe, and can have a massive impact on the success of your team.

Each cookie starts out with one topping slot, gaining an extra slot at their 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th level milestones. So, in total, each cookie can equip a maximum of five toppings.

Cookie Run Kingdom toppings - a huge group of cookies hanging out

Cookie Run Kingdom toppings list

There are currently ten different topping types in the game, and each comes in one of three rarities:

  • XS (common)
  • S (rare)
  • M (epic)

Each topping provides a specific buff or stat increase. They also offer equip bonuses if you equip your cookie with more than one topping of the same kind.

Here are all of the Cookie Run Kingdom toppings, their effects, and their equip bonuses.

Cookie Run Kingdom topping Effect Equip bonus
Bouncy Caramel Increases the cookie’s attack speed Two equipped: +1% attack speed
Five equipped: 
Fresh Kiwi Weakens debuff effects Two equipped: +3% debuff resistance
Five equipped: +5% debuff resistance
Hard Walnut Increases the cookie’s defence  Three equipped: +3% defence
Five equipped: +5% defence
Healthy Peanut Increases the cookie’s HP Two equipped: +3% HP
Five equipped: +5% HP
Hearty Hazelnut Increases the cookie’s crit resistance Two equipped: 10% crit resistance
Five equipped: +20% crit resistance
Juicy Apple Jelly Increases the cookie’s crit percentage Five equipped: +5% crit
Searing Raspberry Increases the cookie’s attack Three equipped: +3% attack
Five equipped: +5% attack
Solid Almond Increases the cookie’s damage resist Five equipped: +5% damage resist
Sweet Candy Amplifies buffs Two equipped: +1% buff amplification
Five equipped: +2% buff amplification
Swift Chocolate Decreases the cookie’s cooldown Five equipped: -5% cooldown time

How do I upgrade my Cookie Run Kingdom toppings?

If you want your toppings to pack a bit more of a punch, then you can upgrade them using topping pieces and coins – as long as your upgrade is successful, that is.

The success rate of your topping upgrade depends on the current level of the topping, and temporarily increases by a small percentage every time your upgrade fails until you’re successful.

The maximum upgrade of your topping depends on its rarity:

  • You can upgrade XS toppings to a maximum of +6
  • You can upgrade S toppings to a maximum of +9
  • You can upgrade M toppings to a maximum of +12

Toppings also gain a random bonus effect when you get them to +6, +9, and +12. S toppings can have a maximum of two bonus effects, and M can have three.

Here are all of the tiers and required materials for Cookie Run Kingdom topping upgrades.

Level Materials Success rate
+1 Three topping pieces, 800 coins 100%
+2 Three topping pieces, 800 coins 100%
+3 Four topping pieces, 2,400 coins 90% (+5% for each failed attempt)
+4 Five topping pieces, 3,200 coins 80% (+5% for each failed attempt)
+5 Five topping pieces, 4,000 coins 70% (+5% for each failed attempt)
+6 Six topping pieces, 4,800 coins 65% (+5% for each failed attempt)
+7 Seven topping pieces, 5,600 coins 50% (+3% for each failed attempt)
+8 Eight topping pieces, 6,400 coins 45% (+3% for each failed attempt)
+9 Nine topping pieces, 7,200 coins 40% (+3% for each failed attempt)
+10 11 topping pieces, 8,000 coins 35% (+3% for each failed attempt)
+11 12 topping pieces, 8,800 coins 30% (2% for each failed attempt)
+12 14 topping pieces, 9,600 coins 25% (2% for each failed attempt)

Cookie Run Kingdom characters - a group of cookies running

How can I unlock Cookie Run Kingdom toppings?

The best way to unlock and gather toppings is by repeatedly farming stages that offer the ones you want. Here are the best places to find each of the toppings at the moment.

Bouncy Caramel and Solid Almond

  • Level 6: stages 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, and 26
  • Level 7: stages 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, and 28
  • Level 8: stages 3, 8, 13, 18, and 23

Searing Raspberry and Hearty Hazelnut

  • Level 6: stages 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, and 27
  • Level 7: stages 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, and 29
  • Level 8: stages 4, 9, 14, 19, and 24

Swift Chocolate and Hard Walnut

  • Level 6: stages 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, and 28
  • Level 7: stages 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30
  • Level 8: stages 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25

Healthy Peanut and Sweet Candy

  • Level 6: stages 4, 9, 14, 19, and 24
  • Level 7: stages 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, and 26
  • Level 8: stages 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, and 26

Juicy Apple Jelly and Fresh Kiwi

  • Level 6: stages 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25
  • Level 7: stages 2, 7, 11, 16, 21, and 27
  • Level 8: stages 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, and 27

What are Cookie Run Kingdom’s best toppings?

Generally, the best topping depends on which type of cookie you’re equipping them to. Searing Raspberry, Solid Almond, and Swift Chocolate are great options that offer strong boosts to pretty much any cookie in the game. However, it’s better if you match up your topping combinations with the type of role each cookie plays.

Here are the best toppings we recommend for each cookie type. Of course, you’re also free to pick and mix toppings as you see fit!

Cookie type Cookie Run Kingdom topping
Ambush Bouncy Caramel, Searing Raspberry
Bomber Searing Raspberry, Sweet Candy, Swift Chocolate 
Charge Searing Raspberry, Solid Almond, Swift Chocolate
Defense Healthy Peanut, Hearty Hazelnut, Solid Almond, Swift Chocolate
Healing Searing Raspberry, Sweet Candy, Swift Chocolate
Magic Searing Raspberry, Sweet Candy, Swift Chocolate
Ranged Bouncy Caramel, Juicy Apple Jelly, Searing Raspberry, Swift Chocolate
Support Searing Raspberry, Sweet Candy, Swift Chocolate

And that’s everything we’ve got on Cookie Run Kingdom toppings. If you’ve worked up an appetite looking at all these tasty treats, head over to our list of the best cooking games on mobile, or our top picks for the best Candy Crush games.