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The best dog Pokémon

Our list of the best dog Pokémon has the most wonderful woofers in the Pokémon universe, with plenty of options for your training buddy.

Custom image of the official art for Growlithe and Yamper together on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide

We love dog Pokémon here at Pocket Tactics. From the small and adorable to the Pokémon universe’s massive mutts, we’ve picked out our favorite canines to catch on your journey and take with you all the way to the Elite Four. All you need to do is decide which is the pup for you.

For even more great guides to the world of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, read our articles covering Pokémon Scarlet and Violet gym leaders, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet tera raid battles, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet co-op, and Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Terastal Pokémon. Or, if you’re looking for more monster-taming adventures, see our list of the best free Pokémon games.

Here are the best dog Pokémon:

Custom image of the official art for Yamper on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


Arriving in the eighth generation of Pokémon, Yamper is an adorable little corgi with thunderous attacking prowess. With its tiny lil’ legs, lightning-bolt tail, and a tongue that hangs out of its mouth, we love the design of this dog Pokémon, and we’d do anything to protect it from danger.

Yamper evolves into Boltund, who is based on a greyhound, but we just love his original form so much. It’s got that classic corgi cushion, and it’s a great little friend to find early on in the region of Galar. Its evolution, Boltund, has access to the move nuzzle, which you can use to deal a little damage while paralyzing your opponent. It’s a very useful Pokémon for catching shinies and legendaries.

Custom image of the official art for Snubbull on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


We want justice for Snubbull. This pink little fairy-type is an ugly Pokémon and that’s exactly why I love it. It’s meant to look like a bulldog, and just like them, we adore them for all their flaws and think they’re much cuter than they might come across at first.

It also has a bizarre voice in the anime that only enamored me even more. Why didn’t the bulldog Pokémon appear in the Britain-based Galar? Who knows, but Game Freak? You messed up.

Custom image of the official art for Lycanroc on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


Possibly more of a wolf than a dog, Lycanroc is based on a werewolf, and with its two different forms, it sports two great different styles and rocks them both. While its pre-evolution Rockruff is also adorable, Lycanroc is one of those rare appearances where the evolution of a Pokémon is somehow even cuter than the original.

You can find Lycanroc in Pokémon Sun & Moon, with the forms of Lycanroc reflecting the dichotomy of night and day between the two games. It’s been a common fixture since, too, appearing in almost all the main series games since its introduction. There’s a seriously good boy.

Custom image of the official art for Fidough on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


We’ve only had Fidough for a couple of generations, but this yeasty boy has already risen (sorry) up the ranks and is being held highly among the Pokémon community as one of the best dog Pokémon. Evolving into the similarly adorable Dachsbun, this pair of pups pack quite a punch with some potent fairy attacks.

As much as we love Fidough, we have to address the elephant in the room. It would seem that Fidough is edible, considering it’s made of dough. Of course, if you’re so inclined, you could make the argument that all Pokemon are edible. However, none look quite as tasty as this little pastry pooch. 

Custom image of the official art for Zorua on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


The illusion Pokémon, Zorua, and its evolution Zoroark, have the very rare ability to copy the appearance of another Pokémon in your party, potentially goading your opponent into performing a move that won’t be very effective against the elusive dark-type.

It’s adorable in any form, but we especially love the Hisuian forms of these two, sporting an ethereal white and red wispy look that adds a slightly terrifying edge to these already spooky pooches.

Custom image of the official art for Houndour on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


Houndour might not be the cutest dog Pokémon, but if you’re after a tough-lookin’ pup to take on your next adventure, you’ve found it. With its fangs, stern expression, and cuffs, this is a proper rock-and-roll hound dog, who also happens to be one of the first-ever dark-type Pokémon to grace the series.

Still, if you thought Houndour was intimidating – no pun intended – wait until it evolves into the metal monstrosity that is mega Houndoom, with its extended horns and truly imposing look. I love it, but I’m not sure if I would hug one.

Custom image of the official art for Growlithe on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


Sometimes it’s hard to mess with the original. Growlithe is beloved for a reason, it is one of the first generation Pokémon that absolutely nailed the design the first time around. It became beloved in the anime because of its energetic attitude, and its evolution Arcanine is still a majestic mutt that exemplifies the very best of what Pokémon’s evolution system has to offer.

Taking a good design and building on it to make something even better, these two good boys are still some of the best dog Pokémon ever made. They even got amazing new Hisuian forms in Pokémon Legends: Arceus that add the rock-type to the fire of the originals and build on the influence of Chinese culture to create another great version of these classics.

Custom image for best dog Pokemon guide with a Manectric on a yellow background


While Manectric might have arrived in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, it wasn’t until the introduction of mega evolution in generation six that we really saw Gamefreak let this dog off the leash. It might not be one of the cutest picks on this list, but it is one of the best equipped for battle.

With a 105 base speed stat, Manectric is one of the quickest pups out there and can frustrate your opponent by paralyzing other Pokémon with an array of electric-type moves. It’s not just speedy, though, with a matching 105 special attack stat that can tear through opponents who rely on water or flying-type party members. However, Manectric’s defense and special defense stats make it a bit of a glass cannon, so be sure to watch out for any ground types while leading with this powered-up pooch.

Custom image of Stoutland on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


You can’t go wrong with a dog Pokémon with a big old mustache, and Stoutland’s mustache is the biggest of the lot. Just look at that thing, flowing majestically through the air. Even Mario would be jealous.

Sure, normal-type Pokémon aren’t the most exciting, but Stoutland’s 110 attack stat and solid defense and special defense stats make it a surprisingly solid option for battling, as well as a great companion for your adventures. This pup also comes with the Intimidate ability, making it a solid pick for declawing your opponent’s leading Pokémon at the beginning of a battle.

Custom image of Smeargle with it's painted brush on a yellow background for best dog Pokemon guide


All dog Pokémon are art, but only one is an artist. Yes, it’s Smeargle, the gimmicky beagle that creates its own paint to color the world with. It’s taken a little while for us to embrace Smeargle, but thanks to a unique encounter at Pokémon Emerald’s Battle Frontier and a few anime appearances, we’ve grown to love this painting pup as much as any of the other canine creatures.

If you’re not much into competitive Pokémon, it might come as a surprise to learn that Smeargle is a surprisingly popular pick when it comes to 1v1 battles. This is due to Smeargle’s unique access to the move Sketch, allowing it to copy the opposing Pokémon’s last move permanently. A popular option is to copy Spore from a grass Pokémon, which you can use to put your opponent’s opening Pokémon to sleep. If I’m playing competitive, I’m always bringing a Smeargle along.

Custom image of Entei on a yellow background for dog Pokemon guide


Entei is a beast of a dog Pokémon that clearly takes inspiration from the mastiff breed. It’s a little bit more frightening than the other entries on this list, and a lot more fiery, but it’s also pretty gorgeous, and it’s always felt to meet that Entei is the most likely leader of the legendary trio from Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal.

The big difference between Entei and our other favorite Pokémon pups is that it’s the only one to have its own film, with the fire-type starring in Pokémon 3: The Movie. Ever since then, it’s been a fan favorite, and we even got a new version, Gouging Fire, in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

There you have it, our picks for the best dog Pokémon across the entire series. If you’re looking to stop your perfect Poké-pooch from fainting, be sure to check out our electric Pokémon weakness, fire Pokémon weakness, and ground Pokémon weakness guides.