What is the fire Pokémon weakness? This may seem like a redundant question, as we all know water puts out the flame, but there are other fire-type weaknesses for you to learn about. Plus, we can tell you all about their strengths and resistances, too, helping you to make the most out of beasts like Charizard and Arcanine.
Alternatively, should you need a firestarter on your team, our fire Pokémon guide is here to help. We also have poison Pokémon, normal Pokémon, psychic Pokémon, ghost Pokémon, dark Pokémon, and flying Pokémon articles if you want to know who else makes a solid addition to any team. Oh, and we also couldn’t help but weigh in on the debate about the best starter Pokémon in the Pokédex.
Here’s what you need to know about the fire Pokémon weakness:
What are the fire Pokémon weaknesses?
Fire Pokémon are weak to water-, rock-, and ground-types. As such, you want to avoid creatures such as Golem, Blastoise, and Lycanroc.
Coming up against these three types might be difficult for Magmar or Blaziken, but just look at our ground Pokémon weakness, rock Pokémon weakness, and water Pokémon weakness guides to find out how to beat them.
Best Fire Pokémon counters
As for specific Pokémon to use as a counter to a fire-type, we suggest Gyarados, Blastoise, and Excadrill, as well as the following from specific generations:
- Gen 1 Pokémon Cloyster (our Shellder evolution guide can help you get one)
- Gen 2 Pokémon Tyranitar
- Gen 3 Pokémon Milotic
- Gen 4 Pokémon Garchomp
- Gen 5 Pokémon Krookodile
- Gen 6 Pokémon Tyrantrum
- Gen 7 Pokémon Lycanroc (check our Rockruff evolution guide to learn how to get one)
- Gen 8 Pokémon Inteleon
- Gen 9 Pokémon Finizen
All of these creatures are the perfect counters against the likes of Ninetails, Typhlosion, and Moltres. Especially Rhyperior as a dual rock- and ground-type.
What are the fire Pokémon resistances?
- Bug Pokémon
- Fire Pokémon
- Grass Pokémon
Fire Pokémon are resistant to fire-, grass-, and bug-types. This means that ‘mon such as Venusaur, Beedrill, and Rillaboom do very little damage, while be subjected to a serious amount of damage in return, as they’re weak to fire.
For even more information on how to beat bug and grass creatures, consult our bug Pokémon weakness and grass Pokémon weakness guides. Those guides can also tell you how to make the most of them in battle.
What are the fire Pokémon strengths?
- Ice Pokémon
- Bug Pokémon
- Grass Pokémon
Ice-, bug-, and grass-types are weak to fire Pokémon (Rellor’s evolution and Scyther’s evolution come to mind) – no need for an exterminator with the likes of Blaziken, Moltres, and Typhlosion on your team.
Well, there you have it. You now know what the fire Pokémon weakness is. Should you be curious about how to beat those who live in the shadows, make sure you check out our ghost Pokémon weakness and dark Pokémon weakness guides. We also have flying Pokémon weakness, steel Pokémon weakness, and poison Pokémon weakness guides to help you dominate the battlefield.