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Ahoy mateys, swashbuckling new DLC comes to mobile game Guns of Glory

Wave goodbye to boredom by getting the latest Guns of Glory DLC, Lost Island, on mobile platforms where you can battle as a pirate all day long.

Guns of Glory Lost Island DLC promotional artwork

Get back to sailing the high seas in a new DLC and update for Guns of Glory on mobile platforms. The Lost Island DLC is live now and brings a brand new story arc packed with events, plundering, and more mermaids.

Taking the helm on this new story is a mysterious adventuress in charge of a team. You can now recruit them as your own guards to help battle through the kingdom, using their new skills to get ahead in events like the Relic War.

One of the latest events is Relic War, a four-stage event where players can battle to win grand prizes. Treant Invasion accompanies it, a way to earn Treant Scrolls from defeating threats. That’s not all, though. There’s new guards you can recruit to your ranks for free, and a mermaid system that allows diving to locate and dig up buried treasure.

The Lost Island brings content like a range of new skins and even more events over time. There are some game changes too, like optimised content and some new features to make playing even easier.

A fancy redemption code is out now, too, that gives a stack of rewards to players. Use code WELCOMETOLOSTISLAND and receive gold, EXP items, training and construction speed boosts, and more!


Guns of Glory has landed number-one spots on most platforms since its release in 2017 and is only growing to new strengths. It’s an epic strategy game taking place in an alternate European history, where players can form alliances while they build up cities and, of course, plunder for treasure.

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