One of the most noticeable missing cards from Second Dinner’s CCG is set to finally join the action, with the arrival of Marvel Snap’s Jean Grey. Joining the roster of Marvel Snap cards during the Rise of the Phoenix season, this hero might be closely associated with the Phoenix Force, but her in-game power makes her a better fit for bounce decks.
Jean Grey arrives in Marvel Snap as a three-cost three-power hero, with her ability reading ‘Ongoing: Players must play their first card here each turn. (if possible)’. This effect makes Jean Grey the ideal counter for Galactus, forcing the celestial being to share a location, with only cards like Nightcrawler and Jeff the Baby Land Shark capable of escaping her orbit.
In terms of Marvel Snap decks to add Jean Grey to, there are a couple of options. With a bounce control hybrid set, you can use Jean Grey to force your opponent into committing to a location before you get wild with cards on turn six. Or, there’s scope for Jean in a Patriot Ultron deck, locking your opponent out of the lanes you plan on filling with powerful drones in the late game.
Despite Second Dinner introducing some cards in series four last season, Jean Grey lands as a series 5 and costs 6,000 collector’s tokens. However, the release of Jean Grey also marks a change in the card collection system in Marvel Snap, so providing you play enough over the next week before another fresh card arrives, there’s a high chance you pick up Ms. Gray.

There you have it, all you need to know about Marvel Snap’s Jean Grey joining up with the rest of the X-Men. For more heroes, check out our picks for the best Marvel games, or see our Marvel Snap tier list.