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How to make a Minecraft end portal

Looking to complete the story? Explore the dragon’s big hole with our guide on everything you need to know about the Minecraft end portal.

Steve looking into a Minecraft end portal on a yellow background

Want to know how to make a Minecraft end portal? We’ve got you covered. There’s a pretty good chance you’ve sunk hundreds of hours into Minecraft and not finished it, and there’s an equally good chance you had no idea it is actually possible to ‘complete’ this game. In this guide, we aim to tell you how you can bring your adventure to a close, detailing how you unlock a critical end-game area where you must fend off the fearsome Ender Dragon.

For more meticulously crafted Minecraft guides, check these out: We’ve covered guides to the best Minecraft games, Minecraft diamonds, the best Minecraft Bedrock mods, and the best games like Minecraft on Switch and mobile.

Here’s our guide to the Minecraft end portal.

Minecraft endportal: an image shows a series of blocks formed to create a portal to another world

What is the Minecraft end portal?

To get to The End, you need to go through a Minecraft end portal, though you might think twice about that when you realize how dangerous the Ender Dragon is. In survival, you just need to find a Stronghold and activate the end portal. However, in creative, you can actually make your own, though it’s far from easy.

How do I find the Minecraft end portal in survival mode?

In survival mode, you can find the Minecraft end portal in an area called The Stronghold. Finding one is far easier after you craft several Eye of Enders, as these items are essential to activating the end portal. But they also act as guides to the nearest stronghold, too. When using an Eye of Ender normally, it takes off in the direction of the nearest stronghold, which in turn guides you to the end portal. Once you’re close enough, the Eye of Ender will move toward a spot in the ground which is where you’ll need to dig to locate a Stronghold. You can sometimes find an end portal there.

To craft an Eye of Ender you need two items, Ender Pearls and blaze powder. Ender Pearls are occasionally found when killing Ender Men, which spawn at night. Blaze powder is made from blaze rods, which are dropped by the enemy known as Blazes in the Nether Fortress, which can be found in The Nether. To craft Eye of Ender, place the blaze powder in the bottom middle square of the crafting table, and the ender pearl in the middle square. Bingo, you’ve made an eye!

How do I activate the Minecraft end portal?

When you have found your portal, it’s as simple as placing twelve Eye of Enders in the slots available. There’s a slim chance that one or more slots may already have an Eye of Ender inserted, but the chance is minuscule. It’s best to bring more than enough to input them in the portal, and to guide you to it. Once you have found it and placed all twelve eyes, the portal to The End opens.

How do I build a Minecraft end portal?

In Minecraft creative mode, it’s possible to build the entire end portal from scratch, but it can be very delicate, and go wrong because of a number of small issues. For this process, we recommend watching this detailed video from user EKGaming to get to grips with it.

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That’s everything you need to know to find and build your own Minecraft end portal, happy hunting! If you want to open a portal to even more great gaming experiences, why not check out our list of the best Switch games and step into a new experience today? Or, if you’re gaming on the go, check out our list of the best mobile games, because we’ve got plenty of Coin Master free spins, Monopoly Go dice, and Board Kings free rolls for you to snap up.