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All Reverse: 1999 characters 2025

Our list of all current Reverse: 1999 characters is a great resource for planning your teams and saving your pulls for upcoming banners.

Reverse 1999 characters: Three of the version 2.0 and 2.1 characters all outlined in white and pasted on a blurred background

Reverse: 1999 is a mind-bending, time-hopping gacha game full of interesting cast members. Our list of Reverse: 1999 characters takes you through every available playable unit in the game, organized by their element. Hopefully, we can help you find your next main, especially if you’re a fan of sentient fruits.

If you need more help with this timey-wimey adventure, check out our Reverse: 1999 codes and Reverse: 1999 tier list to keep up-to-date. For more gacha fun, head to our list of games like Genshin Impact or our Zenless Zone Zero tier list.

Here are all of the Reverse: 1999 characters:

Reverse: 1999 characters: A graphic showing Regulus, Tooth Fairy, and Baby Blue on a dark blue background with the Star symbol in the top right hand corner

Reverse: 1999 Star characters

Use these Star characters against strong Mineral enemies.

  • Regulus – Regulus is Vertin’s first companion in the main story, a six-star unit that specializes in dealing mental damage
  • 37 – 37 is a six-star unit that specializes in dealing mental and genesis damage, as well as applying debuffs to enemies
  • aliEn T – this three-star unit specializes in dealing reality damage and taunting the enemy
  • APPLe – this strange little four-star unit specializes in dealing mental damage
  • Baby Blue – a five-star unit that specializes in dealing mental damage and applying debuffs to enemies
  • Barcarola – a six-star unit that specializes in mental damage and providing inspiration
  • Blonney – a five-star unit that specializes in dealing burst reality damage
  • Charlie – a five-star mental damage dealer and dispeller
  • Erick – a four-star reality damage dealer and dispelled
  • Ezra Theodore – a six-star unit specializing in shield support
  • Flutterpage – a six-star reality damage sub-DPS whose forcefield gets stronger with allies’ extra actions
  • Lilya – a six-star unit that specializes in reality burst damage
  • Lorelai – a five-star mental damage support unit that can provide buffs and debuffs
  • Matilda – a five-star mental damage dealer and debuffer
  • Oliver Fog – this four-star unit specializes in buffing allies and increasing defense. He can also deal reality damage
  • Sputnik – this three-star unit specializes in countering the enemy and dealing mental damage
  • The Fool – a three-star mental damage dealer and defense unit
  • Tooth Fairy – a six-star healer, debuffer, and purifier
  • TTT – this four-star mental damage unit dispels debuffs and increases defense
  • Voyager – a six-star mental damage dealer who can control the enemy and apply debuffs
  • Windsong – a six-star mental damage burst DPS unit
  • Yenisei – a five-star mental damage dealer who can support her allies by providing heals, shields, and immunity

Reverse: 1999 characters: Three plant characters, La Source, Druvis, and An-an Lee outlined in white and pasted on a green PT background with the plant logo in the top right corner

Reverse: 1999 Plant characters

Take out the Star characters from above with these Plant pals.

  • An-an Lee – a ghostbusting six-star unit that specializes in dealing reality damage and buffing allies
  • Argus – a six-star plant sub-DPS unit with the ability to debuff enemies
  • Avgust – a five-star mental damage dealer and healer
  • Bkornblume – a five-star control unit that can debuff enemies and deal large amounts of burst reality damage
  • Diggers – a five-star unit that specializes in debuffing enemies, shielding the team, and other control tactics
  • Druvis III – a six-star support and control unit that deals mental damage to enemies
  • Eagle – a four-star unit that specializes in dealing burst reality damage
  • Jessica – a six-star reality damage DPS and a poison debuffer
  • Kakania – a powerful six-star mental damage dealer who takes damage for her teammates to improve their survivability
  • Kanjira – a five-star mental damage DPS and a poison debuffer
  • La Source – a three-star healing unit that can also deal mental damage
  • Marcus – a six-star mental burst damage DPS
  • Rabies – a four-star reality damage DPS and a poison debuffer
  • Satsuki – a five-star mental damage dealer that also functions as a control unit
  • Sotheby – a six-star unit that specializes in poisoning enemies and healing allies
  • Vila – a six-star purifying support and healer
  • Willow – a six-star poison DPS that deals mental damage
  • Зима – a four-star unit that specializes in controlling enemies and buffing allies 

Reverse 1999 characters: Three mineral characters including Eternity and Pickles outlined in white and pasted on a coppery-brown PT background with the mineral symbol in the top right corner

Reverse: 1999 Mineral characters

Mineral is strong against Beast, despite Pickles technically being a beast without the afflatus.

  • Balloon Party – this five-star unit specializes in defending and healing allies
  • Bette – a three-star shielding support unit
  • Brimley – a five-star mental damage sub-DPS and dispeller
  • Cristallo – a four-star reality damage debuffer and support unit
  • Eternity – a six-star reality damage DPS unit and debuffer
  • Fatutu – a six-star mental damage dealer with healing capabilities
  • Horropedia – also known as Joshua, Horropedia is a five-star mineral unit who made his debut in the ‘A Nightmare at Green Lake’ event. He specializes in dealing mental damage, debuffing enemies, and dispelling enemy buffs
  • Jiu Niangzi – a six-star reality damage DPS unit that specializes in burst damage and follow-up attacks
  • Kaalaa Baunaa – a six-star mental damage DPS who specializes in dishing out burst damage and follow-up attacks
  • Mondlicht – a four-star reality damage DPS unit
  • Ms. Moissan – a four-star shielder and control unit
  • Ms. NewBabel – a six-star defense unit that specializes in taunting enemies and shielding allies
  • Necrologist – a five-star mental damage dealer and support unit, offering protection against lethal damage from enemies to her allies
  • ONiON – a three-star reality damage dealer and debuffer
  • Pickles – a six-star mental damage dealer who looks suspiciously like Pocket Tactics pet Floyd. He’s also a powerful support unit with dispelling capabilities
  • Semmelweis – a six-star reality damage support unit
  • Sonetto – one of the first characters that you encounter in Reverse: 1999. She’s a five-star reality damage DPS and control unit
  • Ulu – a five-star mental damage DPS with support and burn capabilities

Reverse 1999 characters: Three beast characters including Centurion in the middle outlined in white and pasted on a dark red PT background with the beast icon in the top right corner

Reverse: 1999 Beast characters

Beast characters slash down Plant enemies like carnivorous predators take down herbivorous prey.

  • Anjo Nala – a six-star burst sub-DPS unit that deals mental damage
  • Bunny Bunny – a four-star reality damage dealer, healer, and debuffer
  • Centurion – a six-star reality damage unit that specializes in dealing massive amounts of burst damage
  • Darley Clatter – this three-star unit specializes in healing and buffing allies
  • Desert Flannel – a five-star reality damage DPS and support unit
  • Dikke – a five-star mental damage DPS and healer
  • Getian – a six-star reality damage DPS and debuff support unit
  • – a six-star reality damage support unit focused on providing shields and dishing out counterattacks
  • Leilani – a three-star reality damage dealer that grants moxie to allies
  • Lopera – a six-star reality damage support unit that can apply burn to enemies
  • Medicine Pocket – a six-star control unit that specializes in debuffing enemies and healing allies
  • Melania – a six-star unit that specializes in dealing huge amounts of mental burst damage
  • Mr. Duncan – a five-star reality damage DPS character with riposte abilities
  • Nick Bottom – this four-star unit specializes in supporting allies via healing and buffs
  • Pavia – a four-star mental damage DPS unit with powerful self-healing capabilities
  • Shamane – a six-star unit that specializes in dealing massive amounts of burst reality damage and debuffing enemies
  • Spathodea – a six-star reality damage burst DPS with the abilities to burn enemies
  • Sweetheart – a five-star reality damage dealer that can use powerful control tactics against enemies
  • Tennant – a five-star shielding and debuffing unit that can also deal decent reality damage 

Reverse 1999 characters: Twins Sleep, A Knight, and Poltergeist outlined in white and pasted on a purple PT background with the Spirit icon in the top right corner

Reverse: 1999 Spirit characters

These creepy characters are both strong against and weak to Intellect characters.

  • A Knight – this six-star unit specializes in dealing reality damage
  • Barbara – a sheep-human hybrid five-star unit that specializes in keeping your team alive
  • Click – He was a war reporter in his previous life. Now he’s a five-star mental damage dealer and debuffer
  • Isolde – a six-star reality damage wielder with strong burn DPS potential
  • Mercuria – this six-star mental damage character is a capable DPS and support unit
  • Ms. Radio – this two-star unit specializes in debuffing enemies, but she’s generally regarded as a bottom-tier unit
  • Pioneer – a three-star supporting unit that deals mental damage
  • Poltergeist – a four-star defense unit that specializes in debuffing enemies
  • Tuesday – if you like poison teams, Tuesday is the six-star sub-DPS unit for you
  • Twins Sleep – a three-star unit that specializes in debuffing and controlling enemies 

Reverse 1999 characters: X, Mesmer Jr, and John Titor outlined in white and pasted on a yellow gold PT background with the intellect icon in the top right corner

Reverse: 1999 Intellect characters

Similarly, these Intellect characters are strong against but weak to Spirit characters.

  • 6 – a six-star support unit specializing in purifying allies and debuffing enemies
  • Door – this two-star unit specializes in providing support to allies
  • John Titor – a three-star unit that specializes in dispelling enemy buffs and purifying allies of debuffs
  • Lucy – a six-star reality damage DPS unit that can perform follow-up attacks
  • Mesmer Jr. – a four-star unit that specializes in buffing allies
  • White Rum – a four-star reality damage sub-DPS specializing in daze
  • X – a five-star reality damage dealer that specializes in controlling the enemy by dispelling their buffs

There you have it, all of the Reverse: 1999 characters. If you’re a fan of gacha game characters with funky names, make sure you check out our Limbus Company tier list and Outerplane tier list.