Looking for some Sporcle European countries quizzes? Of course. We love Europe, it’s a beautiful place full of culture, great food, great music, and normally at least a couple of English people on holiday causing a nuisance. There’s a lot to love about the place and because of that, there’s a lot to learn– unless you’re English that is. An Englishman is more likely to cure cancer than figure out how to say to please and thank you in French. Baguettes? The only pain we know is living in England.
Well in case you are curious to learn more, our Sporcle European countries guide is here to help you get to know more about lands of chorizo, peroni, and bratwurst. A little culture never hurt anyone, so stretch your brain and test your grey matter with a lovely little bit of stimuli in the form of some euro-centric tests. Luckily if you need even more of the good show known as Quizzy Maguire (a pub quiz name, obviously) then check out our other great Sporcle guides covering Sporcle geography, Sporcle trivia, Sporcle US states, and Sporcle countries of the world.
Let’s dive into our guide to the best Sporcle European countries quizzes
Countries of Europe
It’s a simple one but a classic. Countries of Europe gives you eight minutes to name each of the 47 European countries, and I’m going to be honest, 47 is a much higher number than I was anticipating. It’s a pretty simple quiz but it’s very satisfying to slowly but surely knock them all off the map, and, as always, it’s good to learn a little bit more.
Find the countries of Europe – no outlines minefield
Let’s take things up a notch! Find the countries of Europe – no outlines minefield presents you with a blank map of Europe, and absolutely zero outlines to help delineate between the many different countries. Looking for Germany? Ummm, I guess it’s over in that middle bit? Portugal…umm, to the left, right? You’ll probably do better than me, but this is a tough little cookie to crack, and you’ll need a sharp eye and a precise touch.
Europe’s Largest Cities
A much tougher quiz with an interesting twist, instead of simply naming the countries of Europe, instead, Europe’s largest cities asks you to name the three largest cities in each country, with nearly 200 answers up on the board. Frankly I didn’t know this many cities existed, and I was so overwhelmed by the quiz I nearly had a panic attack. Definitely one for the globetrotters amongst us, this is a huge quiz, and one that’ll take some really deep knowledge to master.
European Landlocked Landmines
This is a fun little twist for anyone sick of the regular quiz, can you name all of the non-landlocked countries in Europe without getting a single wrong answer? European landlocked landmines, only gives you four minutes to tear through these answers, and it’ll leave you scratching your head trying to remember whether Hungary has a beach or is it actually just really close to Croatia? Who knows, but you’d better learn before you do this quiz.
I almost included this purely on the pun alone. It’s similar to a few other quizzes, but with a fun and literal twist. EuropeSIDE DOWN asks you to find every one of the 47 different European countries on a map, but it makes things interesting by flipping the map upside down, as I’m sure you might have guessed. Yeah, it’s not a million miles away from other quizzes, but it’s a fun diversion, and it certainly makes everything look very different all of a sudden. It could make for a really good party trick if you mastered it honestly.

Official Languages of Europe
Hablo el Espanol? Well, you might be in luck with this tricky quiz that’s here to test your geography and your linguistic skills. Official Languages of Europe asks you to name exactly that; all of the languages spoken within the different countries of Europe. Obviously, we’ll probably start with English, but there are quite a few other languages to work your way through, so you’ll need a keen mind and a sharp tongue to master this one.
That’s all the Sporcle European countries quizzes we have for you today folks, but we hope you’ve managed to get some great quizzing fun out of these different tests. If you need to find another way to relax for a while, we suggest checking out our huge guide to the best Switch casual games so you can put your feet up.