Who is Dark Souls’ Gwynevere? There’s more to know about her than merely acknowledging the fact that she’s a rather large-bosomed lady. She’s more important than you might realize, even if not everything is as it seems when you first encounter her. So let’s take a look at Dark Souls Gwynevere‘s lore, dive into her covenant, and offer some insight into her family.
As a lot of Gwynevere’s story involves her brother and father, we suggest you read our Dark Souls Gwyndolin and Dark Souls Gwyn guides to get the full picture of this rather dysfunctional family. We also have a Dark Souls bosses article should you need some advice on overcoming some of Lordran’s most formidable foes. Or, for an even more in-depth look at some of these characters, take a look at our Dark Souls Manus, Dark Souls Nito, and Dark Souls Quelaag guides.
Who is Dark Souls’ Gwynevere?
Gwynevere, the Princess of Sunlight, is Gwyn’s second-born and only daughter, making her the apple of her father’s eye. This means that her older brother is the nameless firstborn, who lost his title due to siding with the dragons in the war, and her younger sibling is Gwyndolin, a poor lad who never managed to earn the love of his father due to having an affiliation with the moon.
Given the history surrounding her brothers, it’s safe to assume that Gwynevere is her father’s favorite child, not betraying him in battle and sharing his affiliation with the sun instead of the moon. Because of this, she’s the only child who still has a statue next to her father’s in Anor Londo; the firstborn’s was removed following his decision to help the Ancient Dragons, while it’s highly unlikely that Gwyndolin ever had one, to begin with.
There’s not a ton more to say about her younger years, so let’s dive into what makes Gwynevere an important figure in Lordran.

Where do I find Dark Souls’ Gwynevere?
It’s impossible to miss her. Seriously, she’s the one who gives you the lord vessel, a crucial item that you need in order to progress further in the game (it also means you can fast travel to Dark Souls bonfires). You find the princess in the room behind the Dark Souls Ornstein and Smough boss arena. Once here, you need to speak to her, and she gives you the lord vessel.
However, not all is as it seems with Gwynevere, for if you hit her, she’s shown to be an illusion. Suddenly, a booming voice belonging to Gwyndolin declares you an enemy of Anor Londo. In fact, the Dark Sun is the last remaining deity in the once proud city. The real Gwynevere left long ago, perhaps for the distant land known as Lothric, where she raised numerous children. The youngest child of Gwyn uses his sister’s illusion to manipulate you, hence why you get the very item that allows you to complete your journey in Lordran.
What is the Princess Guard covenant?
- Ring of the Sun Princess (read our Dark Souls rings guide to discover more)
- Can use Bountiful Sunlight
- Can use Soothing Sunlight
If you’re doing a miracle build and playing online with friends you might want to consider joining Gwynevere’s covenant, the Princess Guard. While it doesn’t give miracles as a reward, it does enable you to use the bountiful sunlight and soothing sunlight miracles, both of which heal your allies. You can further enhance your miracles with the ring of the sun princess, which you get for merely joining the covenant.
It’s worth noting that should you kill Gwynevere, you can no longer be in this covenant, and you’re at the mercy of the Blade of the Dark Moon covenant, meaning you can’t join Gwyndolin’s band of merry men either, and trust us when we say that they have a tendency to invade you at the most inconvenient times.
There you have it, everything you need to know about Dark Souls’ Princess Gwynevere and her role in the game. If you’re after some similar titles to play, our lists of the best games like Dark Souls and Soulslike games have plenty to choose from.