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Final Fantasy: First Soldier classes - warrior, sorcerer, and more

Learn more about each of the Final Fantasy: First Soldier classes, from the monk to the ranger and more

Three Final Fantasy: First Soldier characters heading into battle

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier is a free-to-play battle royale set 30 years prior to the events of Final Fantasy VII. To succeed in this game, you must take down other SOLDIERS with firearms, materia, and other assorted goodies that are scattered around the ever-shrinking map.

There are five different Final Fantasy: First Soldier classes to choose from, however, they’re known as styles in-game. If you can’t decide whether you want to use stealth as a ninja, magic as a sorcerer, or your fists as a monk, our guide is here to help you decide.

Unfortunately, we don’t know the exact Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier release date right now, so if you need something to play while you wait, take a look at our list of the best mobile RPGs on iOS and Android. For more Final Fantasy content, head on over to our Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier materiaFFVII Aerith, FFVII Cloud, FFVII Tifa, and FFVII Sephiroth guides.

Now let’s take a look at every Final Fantasy: First Soldier class.

A monk from Final Fantasy: First Soldier grabbing their wrist

Final Fantasy: First Soldier monk

In Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, monks use their fists as weapons. We’ll update this section with more information on this style soon.

Monk trait:

Trait Effect
Inner strength When you’re at 20% HP or less for some time, you automatically recover a fixed amount of damage. Critical damage is increased by 100% a single time

Monk skills:

Skill How to unlock Effect
Revitalize Unlocked automatically Increases HP recovery
Chakra unleashed We’ll update this section soon! Immediately recovers a small amount of HP when a high amount of damage is received. This can only be used once per round
Awakened strength We’ll update this section soon! Increases recovery amount of the inner strength trait.

Monk abilities:

Ability How to unlock Effect
Manawall Unlocks automatically Creates a barrier in front of you that reduces incoming damage
Chakra field We’ll update this section soon! Creates a field that removes poison and recovers HP for players inside the field

A ninja from Final Fantasy: First Soldier wielding a shuriken

Final Fantasy: First Soldier ninja

The ninja wields a shuriken and delivers surprise attacks with ease. We currently don’t have details on the ninja trait, skills, and abilities. However, we’ll update this section with more information as soon as we have a chance to try the ninja out.

A ranger from Final Fantasy: First Soldier wielding a dagger

Final Fantasy: First Soldier ranger

In Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, rangers use a dagger and have some handy abilities that allow you to traverse the map with ease. We’ll update this section with more information on the ranger soon.

Ranger trait:

Trait Effect
Mark When you fire at an enemy, they will be marked

Ranger skills:

Skill How to unlock Effect
Sniper eye Unlocks automatically Enemies appear more clearly when you ADS
Silencer We’ll update this section soon! Reduces the sound of all weapons
Acute sense We’ll update this section soon! A reflective light blocks enemy vision slightly when you’re in their sight

Ranger abilities:

Ability How to unlock Effect
Assess Unlocks automatically Marks the map with nearby blizzard effects, gravity effects, and players
Control We’ll update this section soon! Control a slug-ray to scout the area

A sorcerer in Final Fantasy: First Soldier wielding a stave

Final Fantasy: First Soldier sorcerer

The sorcerer wields a stave and uses materia with ease. Check back here later for further details on this class.

Sorcerer trait:

Trait Effect
Magic boost Increases MP and improves blizzard, fire, and thunder materia

Sorcerer skills:

Skill How to unlock Effect
Concentration Unlocks automatically Increases the recovery of MP
Etheric drain We’ll update this section soon! Recover HP or MP when you use blizzard, fire, or thunder materia to kill an enemy
Magic detector We’ll update this section soon! The map indicates when a nearby enemy uses materia

Sorcerer abilities:

Ability How to unlock Effect
Arcane field Unlocks automatically Creates a field that increases MP and cooldown recovery 
Trance We’ll update this section soon! Reduces MP cost, increases materia by one level, and increases your movement speed

A warrior in Final Fantasy: First Soldier wielding a sword

Final Fantasy: First Soldier Warrior

This class wields swords and has numerous skills to help them take down enemies. You can learn more about the warrior’s traits, skills, and abilities below.

Warrior trait:

Trait Effect
Fearless charge Increases the distance for melee attacks and creates a barrier when you attack an enemy or use rush

Warrior skills:

Skill How to unlock Effect
Siphon slash Unlocks automatically You recover HP when damage is dealt with a melee weapon
Warrior spirit We’ll update this section soon! Improves the barrier from fearless charge 
Countershield We’ll update this section soon! When you take damage, a barrier appears in the direction of the attack

Warrior abilities:

Ability How to unlock Effect
Rush Unlocks automatically Move rapidly in the direction you’re facing
Punisher We’ll update this section soon! Increases melee attack damage, range, and movement speed

And that’s all we have on Final Fantasy: First Soldier classes for the moment. As the game isn’t out yet, this guide is a work in progress, so check back again later for even more juicy details.