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FFVII Aerith’s weapons, limit breaks, stats, and materia

Final Fantasy VII's Aerith is a very powerful magic users, so let's look at her stats, weapons, limit breaks, and the best materia for her.

FFVII's Aerith stood still, holding flowers, and in a red dress in front of a pink background

FFVII’s Aerith is a pretty iconic videogame character, and is a powerful magic wielder if used right. Well, in this guide, we go into detail on her weapons, stats, limit breaks, and which materia is worth equipping her with. In a game that’s full of likable characters, Final Fantasy VII’s Aerith tends to stay with you, so it’s worth knowing how to get the best out of her in combat.

Should you find this guide helpful, you might want to check out our FFVII Tifa, FFVII Sephiroth, FFVII characters, and FFVII Cloud guides too. Combine those two heroes with Aerith, and you will have the enemy cowering in fear. Or, if you’re thinking of diving into Final Fantasy X, make sure you check out our FFX Auron and FFX Lulu guides to prepare them for battle. We also have a list of the best mobile RPGs if you’re not feeling the fantasy.

Right, let’s dive into everything you need to know about Aerith Gainsborough.

FFVII's Areith posing in front of a pink background holding her staff in a battle pose

FFVII Aerith’s weapons

Staves are the weapon that Aerith uses to cast her magic, which tracks when you consider the typical equipment of a magic user. Luckily for you, there are plenty of these in FFVII, each with its own benefits that can aid you in various ways, depending upon your approach to combat.

Unlike other characters, Aerith has several weapon choices that offer a range of bonuses. Such options include the striking staff, guard stick, umbrella, and the princess guard. All of them provide an increase in vitality, spirit, magic, or critical chance. However, the princess guard is also capable of doubling – or even tripling – Aerith’s damage based on how many allies have been defeated.

Since Aerith relies heavily on magic, it’s crucial that you select a stave that has plenty of materia slots available to make the most out of her casting offense and defense if given the correct orbs.

Weapon Attack value Magic Where to get it Bonuses
Guard stick 12 2 This is Aerith’s starting weapon

Plus one vitality

Plus one magic

Plus four spirit

Element: hit

Mythril rod 16 3 Wall market Element: hit
Full metal staff 22 4 Kalm, Junon Element: hit
Striking staff 32 7 Gongaga, Junon

Plus four magic

Plus two critical

Element: hit

Prism staff 40 10 Cosmo canyon Element: hit
Aurora rod 51 14 Wutai village Element: hit
Wizard staff 28 6 Junon Element: hit
Wizer staff 33 7 Junon Element: hit
Fairy tale 37 8 Junon Element: hit
Umbrella 58 10 Gold saucer

Plus 20 vitality

Plus five critical

Element: hit

Princess guard 52 22 Temple of the Ancients

Plus 12 vitality

Plus 20 spirit

If one ally is down, Aerith’s damage output is doubled. The effect is tripled if two allies are dead

FFVII Aerith holding a basket of flowers

FFVII Aerith’s Stats

Physically, Aerith is perhaps the weakest of all party members; it’s best to leave anything involving strength to someone like Tifa, but Aerith more than makes up for that with her magic capabilities. She can cause a lot of damage with her magic, and if you pair her with the right material, she can cause even more problems and potentially heal her teammates more frequently.

The below chart details the maximum stats available for each of Aerith’s attributes:

Level HP MP Dexterity Strength Vitality Spirit Luck Magic
1 177 23 5 10 11 14 14 13
10 331 86 16 22 23 28 20 28
20 721 168 25 32 33 41 21 44
30 1393 268 33 43 45 53 22 60
40 2322 381 40 53 56 68 24 72
50 3468 505 47 61 65 80 25 84
60 4715 625 51 66 71 91 26 91
70 5849 732 54 70 75 96 26 97
80 6969 837 55 73 78 100 27 100
90 7972 921 57 76 81 100 28 100
99 8809 994 58 78 83 100 28 100

FFVII Aerith in a dark alley

FFVII Aerith’s Limit breaks

Aerith’s limit breaks very much make her a team player as they tend to buff or heal other party members, which makes her a solid addition to any party. If you’re low on MP with your other characters, Aerith may well be able to come in and save the day by healing them and keeping them in the fight. It also means you can take a more aggressive approach with the likes of Cloud of Tifa.

Below is a table detailing Aerith’s limit breaks and what you need to do to unlock them:

Limit break name How to obtain it Effect
Healing wind Aerith starts with this ability Heals the entire party with half their HP bar
Sea evil Use healing wind eight times Inflicts stop and silence on all foes that are not immune
Breath of the earth Defeat 80 enemies Cures all ailments affecting the team such as poison, sleep, alow, petrify, and confusion
Fury brand Use breath of the earth six times Two allies get their limit break meters filled to the max
Planet protector Defeat 80 opponents after collecting breath of the earth All party members become invincible for a short time
Pulse of life Use planet protector five times All negative status effects are cured, as well as fully restoring HP and MP
Great gospel Read the great gospel manual after acquiring all of Aerith’s limit breaks All HP and MP is restored for every party member, as well as making Aerith and her allies invincible for a short time
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The best materia for FFVII’s Aerith

As we have stated multiple times, Aerith is a bit of a wiz when it comes to magic – we expect her to get a letter from Hogwarts any day now – so the logical thing to do is give her a healthy dose of magic-based materia. We suggest giving her materia that increases her offensive capabilities, given her limit breaks offer plenty of opportunities to heal herself. However, that’s not to say you shouldn’t consider materia with healing properties later in the game.

When it comes to which spells you should equip, that’s down to you. If there’s an element you favor, give Aerith the corresponding materia as soon as you can to ensure she holds her own in combat. Personally, I’m a fan of air, fire, and lightning. You might want to consider equipping her with a summon materia as well.

And that’s all you need to know about Final Fantasy 7’s Aerith. If you want to see more of her, check out our Crisis Core characters guide. Who knows, you might see another one or two familiar faces. We also have a Crisis Core materia guide, so you know how to get the most powerful materia in the game.